In the 90s, when I was underage and looking at furry stuff, I used the character Ox from Breath of Fire as a fursona. It was common for people to go as TrunksX or Vegeta999 or some other anime character. I was also going as a dragon called Dark Holy, which was a shapeshifting mana beast/black dragon. Then I came up with “Mutable Beast,” which was a werelion in the 2000s. In the early 2010s, I used the Hypnobeast lion fursona to promote my hypnotherapy business. In the last few years, I’ve returned to Dragon with my old gamertag, Stellario.

  • KuraiWolfGaming
    11 months ago

    Mostly been with just one. But she has recieved several updates over the years.

    First started as a male Husky. Inspired by the Husky we had at the time.

    Eventually changed the fur colors to have purple instead of black.

    And most recently, when starting on transitioning, I changed to a female version of my sona along with a species change to an original one I call “Orkala”. An alien, wolf-like race with the ability to shapeshift on account of their recombinant dna.

    Same white and purple design but with a new base pattern.