• @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
    132 months ago

    If you generalise half the population and insult them then of course people are going to be mad at you.

    As a random man I don’t feel insulted by this at all. I would also rather be in the woods with a random bear than a random man. The bear is more predictable in preferring to have nothing to do with me.

    • @gmtom@lemmy.world
      82 months ago

      I would also rather be in the woods with a random bear than a random man.

      Theres literally no way you genuinely believe this right?

      • @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
        -12 months ago

        I literally expanded on my reasons in the other reply.

        There are literally a bunch of posts from other people explaining their reasons for preferring random bear as well.

        The fact that a random man can be told multiple times “I don’t know you well enough to be comfortable with this,” with explanations, and they will still respond with “there’s no way you actually mean the words you are saying” is a big contributing factor.

          • @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
            02 months ago

            It’s very possible to communicate to a bear that you aren’t threatening them and that you aren’t prey or worth attacking. I recommend looking up “what to do if you encounter a bear in the woods.”

            It seems to be very difficult to communicate to you that I would be uncomfortable encountering you alone in the woods.

            So yes, the bear is probably a better listener.

        • @gmtom@lemmy.world
          02 months ago

          Cool. But I really think your reasons are complete bullshit.

          Like take your last paragraph, you actually think that because some men don’t listen to reasonable arguments you would rather be with a violent and wild animal that is physically incapable of listening to reason?

          Seriously you’re either actually insane or you’re just bullshiting to try and prove a point that you’ve already committed to without actually thinking it through.

          • @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
            12 months ago

            you would rather be with a violent and wild animal that is physically incapable of listening to reason?

            No, that’s why I’d rather be with the bear.

            You seem to be really angry about some rando’s opinion on a hypothetical situation. That’s not normal.

            Bears generally aren’t violent unless you threaten them. People survive seeing bears in the woods all the time, and once they are out of that situation they generally don’t have to worry that the bear is stalking them.

            • @gmtom@lemmy.world
              12 months ago

              I’m not angry, I’m incredulous that you either think I’m dumb or you’re completely braindead. There’s a difference.

              People survive seeing bears in the woods *all the time

              I absolutely 1,000,000 guarantee people survive seeing men more often than they survive seeing a bear.

              • @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
                12 months ago

                I absolutely 1,000,000 guarantee people survive seeing men more often than they survive seeing a bear.

                And we’re moving the goalposts. Note how the article, and my post, specified in the woods and you have changed the situation to include: In public. Places with good lighting. Lots of people around. Easy access to law enforcement. People you personally know (and therefore not random).

                I absolutely 1,000,000 guarantee people get attacked by men more often than they get attacked by bears.

                • @gmtom@lemmy.world
                  2 months ago

                  I didn’t change the situation? You’re literally just making shit up now.

                  Where did I say in public?where did I say around people you know? Nowhere. because you know your argument is stupid but you don’t have the balls to just admit you’re wrong so instead you literally have to accuse me of making shit you randomly made up just so you have something you can actually argue back against.

                  Please for the love of God, do us all a favour and go back to reddit, you’ll be in better company there.

                  • @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
                    02 months ago

                    Please for the love of God, do us all a favour and go back to reddit, you’ll be in better company there.

                    Says the guy who just typed a series of Ad Hominem attacks instead of an argument because you know you disagree with me but can’t present a reasonable reason why.

                    All of your needless insults do not convince me that I’m better off encountering you in the woods than a bear. If you have no interest in what I have to say you can simply not reply. You can even block me if I offended you so much.

    • KillingTimeItself
      -62 months ago

      i think i would probably be more concerned if i were alone in the woods with a woman honestly, like what the fuck did i do to be put in that situation? Why am i here at all? Is this an act of god?

      Being alone in the woods in it of itself would be fucking weird, but a lot less fucking weird that being alone with someone else for some reason.

      • @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
        82 months ago

        You’re walking through the woods and at the end of a clearing you see: either a man, or a bear staring right at you.
        Which one makes you more uncomfortable?

        If I slowly leave the area I’m fairly confident the bear will leave me alone and not follow. I’m spending the rest of my time in the woods wondering if that man is following me.

        • KillingTimeItself
          -12 months ago

          i would certainly be more perplexed by a human just existing out there, a bear being out there would definitely make a lot of sense, i suppose it matters if either one of them has spotted me.

          If neither spots me it doesn’t matter. If one spots me, who’s to fucking say what happens. Could be your local mountain man out there just vibin on his own time, could be your local serial killer up to some shit, who knows!

          • @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
            42 months ago

            i would certainly be more perplexed by a human just existing out there

            In this scenario you are also “just existing out there.”

            Could be your local mountain man out there just vibin on his own time, could be your local serial killer up to some shit, who knows!

            And that is the entire point. The article didn’t say “any man” it said “a random man”. Could go either way, who knows? With the bear it’s far more certain it just wants to leave you alone.

            • KillingTimeItself
              02 months ago

              In this scenario you are also “just existing out there.”

              i mean yeah, but if i was just existing out there alone that would be fucking weird. But only just fucking weird. If i was out there but WITH someone else, i would be REALLY fucking confused.

              And that is the entire point. The article didn’t say “any man” it said “a random man”. Could go either way, who knows? With the bear it’s far more certain it just wants to leave you alone.

              obviously. I wonder what the statistics would be though. Since it’s a “random” person, i wonder how likely you would actually be to get a shitty person. Bear stats are even harder though. So it’s not even like you could compare it.

              people often sight that 1 in 3 woman experience sexual assault (i think that’s the correct phrasing) but that’s a basic collective stat. And given the fact that it’s just a random man. I would have to assume the chances of getting someone who isn’t going to fuck your shit up is pretty good. I’d be surprised if it was less than 50% frankly. Now when it comes to bears, there are a few bears, but assuming black bears, grizzly bears, and brown bears, black bears are pretty chill from what i’ve heard. Grizzly bears tend to be problematic. Brown bears are generally docile, but can be temperamental apparently. So for statistical simplicity we’ll just say you’ve got a 25% chance of getting cocaine bear’d because likewise, the bear doesn’t know why it’s there. I would feel like if you were to select a man at random from society, you’ve probably got equal to marginally better chances. I mean you’d have to get a pretty fucked up individual to just throw them in there and the first thing they decide to do is commit rape, or worse.

              And presumably there aren’t any established rules for how you got there, i like to think of it as if you were just teleported there, and i suppose that’s unrealistic, but the alternative is walking into the forest with a fucking bear lmao. Or just being in a forest while a bear is also in the forest, and at that point, i don’t think it would make a difference anymore. Given that you’re likely to be too far away from each other to be an immediate danger. So i’m presuming we’re just dropped within visual/hearing distance of each other.

              but naturally, that’s not the point of this thought experiment. The whole point is to make a point, because it’s actually a bit of societal quip more than anything. But i like thinking about this shit like a thought experiment because i prefer to not think about being murdered generally.

              Also here’s a fucking nitpick if i’ve ever had one “any” is literally a synonym to “random” Any is quite literally describing “any one of these things that you could possibly select will do the job” and random is quite literally" pick one of them, at random, in a mathematical sense" So from the point of the argument, they mean the same thing.