hot take?

Edit: got nothing against Ubuntu, it’s Linux after all and that’s what matters 🌻 Edit2: people took this very seriously for being a shower thought…

  • The Snark Urge
    862 months ago

    Fuckin love ubuntu despite knowing it’s a cold take. How about that dogshit?

      232 months ago

      Im of the opinion that the distro is far less important than the Desktop Environment. Ubuntu only really “feels like Ubuntu” because of GNOME.

      • folkrav
        232 months ago

        Most of what differentiates a distro from another is one of:

        • package manager
        • default packages/configurations (including the desktop environment)
        • init system

        The rest well… it’s Linux.

          22 months ago

          I’d argue it’s just the first two. Systemd gets a lot of hate but many don’t notice the difference between distros with or without it

        22 months ago

        I’m done with Ubuntu, after it had glaringly obvious bugs in 4 seperate releases right after booting the default install.
        I’m talking, system starts and the first thing you see is a crash message. Or the DE locking up. Or the software center throwing an error when you try to install a program. Or Firefox telling you it can’t restore your tabs, when you just started it for the first time. etc.
        Debian used to be more of a hassle to set up, but nowadays I think it’s one of the highest quality distros available. It really just works.
        Arch is also very good, and never broke on me in a decade, but what it does do is change stuff on you constantly, and I’m getting too old for that.

        22 months ago

        Definitely, I don’t really like Ubuntu that much even though it’s my go-to. What I like is Xfce. Whether I get it via xubuntu or something else I don’t really care.

      112 months ago

      Ha same here. I’d try something else but I really just cba to start again on my server and desktop.