and I will not be going. Its the time of year for the local convention. I’ve though about going a few times, but I probably wouldn’t talk to anyone, or go to anything, so I don’t see the point.

    • Knotadeer
      22 months ago

      Bummer, but these things happen. Hope you still ended up having a good day at least!

      • @l_b_i@yiffit.netOP
        22 months ago

        Just walking up to the hotel and through the lobby was interesting. I was more disappointed than I thought I would have been even though I didn’t really plan on going.

        It was a nice day out, so I had a nice walk. It would have been nicer if there wasn’t an “unruly” passenger on the train ahead of mine causing a 10 min delay.

        • Knotadeer
          11 month ago

          Sorry to hear it didn’t meet your expectations, but at the very least you can make an informed decision next time around if it comes down to it. At least you got a nice walk out of it!

          • @l_b_i@yiffit.netOP
            11 month ago

            Its interesting how much reading only 1 comment vs the thread changes meaning so much. The disappointment was due to the inability to go, not actually going. Depending on where I end up, I might try to make more of an effort in the future. If I decide to launch my website, I’ll probably try to go to a lot to get the word out.