Donald Trump is doubling down on his claim that he was the target of an assassination attempt.

Donald Trump is now looping his baseless conspiracies into his fundraising emails.

On Monday, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee escalated his claims that President Joe Biden authorized the FBI to shoot and kill him during its 2022 raid on Mar-a-Lago, this time promising to punish his two-time opponent for the alleged assassination attempt.

“Biden’s day of reckoning is coming,” the Trump campaign wrote in a fundraising email distributed Monday. “He tried to publicly torture and humiliate me … but he failed. He tried to raid my home and take me out with deadly force … but he failed.”

    -524 days ago

    Thanks! That makes sense.

    Also something a trump supporter would do, I hate how so many people online act like that these days. We’d be better off if more people were like you

    • Cadeillac
      424 days ago

      Honestly though. If you keep up the insults, I’m probably just going to block you.

      Don’t pretend that isn’t what you are doing with ‘trump supporter’

      You want to bring up hypocrisy, here you go

      424 days ago

      Something a Trump supporter would do? Are you talking about yourself? You absolutely come across as a Trump supporter.

      -224 days ago

      Yeah, I upvoted most of your comments too. Lots of rich and political people have gotten away with crimes forever. Its always an anomaly when a Martha Stewart or a Bernie Madoff ends up in jail

        -224 days ago

        Yeah, it’s says a lot that the only complaint people had was I didn’t notice an autocorrect error…

        Probably why none of them would just plainly say that was their complaint.