• andyburke
    1228 days ago

    If you’re a Russian trying to fuck with us, fuck off.

    Assuming you’re a legit US citizen: try talking to your fucking neighbors before you start to talk about shooting.

    Everyone on the Internet seems like they’re arguing with strawmen.

    Violence only in response to violence. We want to solve this without bloodshed. Only those who wish our country harm wish for a civil war.

      • @captainlezbian@lemmy.world
        627 days ago

        All rights are won through diversity of tactics. Some of the most effective campaigns for gay rights came from our moms just talking to people about what it was like to have gay kids. Add that to violently forcing the state to stop being so brutal in their oppression of us and years-decades of working with and within the medical and legal establishments to hamper homophobia in those realms.

        You get similar shit elsewhere. Eco-terrorism has had less explicit gains than environmental lawyers, but without the militants the assailants to our planet just do it mid lawsuit and pay the fine later. The black American civil rights movement had pacifists and militants.

        Force alone doesn’t create a movement, just a war if you’re lucky enough to get the people to support you.

      • redfellow
        227 days ago

        This rhetoric makes me sad.

        History is filled to the brim with rights won NOT through violence. What you say is objectively wrong, though it caters to anyone suspectible to populism.

      • @RaoulDook@lemmy.world
        -727 days ago

        What rights are you talking about taking there? Shooting rich people for the “right” to their money?

        What the fuck? These days it’s like nobody understands the Golden Rule anymore. Just hate, kill, and insult whatever offends you. Surely that will lead to good results?

        • Aniki 🌱🌿
          27 days ago

          The fuck do you think the US revolution was? You think the starving peasants gave a fuck about taxation without representation? Or tea in a fucking harbor?

          All rights are won through violence.

          • @RaoulDook@lemmy.world
            -127 days ago

            Yeah yeah, go on. But in reality, if you really started your glorious class revolution or whatever, what would you do? Are you going to roll up to Warren Buffet’s house with an assault squad and kill and rob him? Are you going to take a group of your terrorist cell to Wall Street and start shooting the stock brokers? Do you have any ideas beyond violence and theft?

            What do you think you’re really accomplishing here with all your inflammatory talk of violence? It leads to nothing but thoughts of hate and accomplishes only division among the citizens who have to live together in society. There will be no revolution, because most people would never risk their comforts to enter that world of danger. We are living in a world of opportunity and convenience, with a standard of living higher than has ever existed before, and most Americans do not even comprehend true hardship.