• Akintudne
    281 year ago

    Yeah, right, “free speech,” unless you write a book with two guys kissing, then it must be banned from schools. Or tear up a photo on TV. Or protest wars in the Middle East. Or kneel during the national anthem. They are all for Cancel Culture and silencing people who speak out against them and their ideas.

    The only time conservatives actually get up in arms about “free speech,” which they don’t actually know what it even is, is when they get banned on Twitter for spewing lies and hate. So get out of here with your “supports free speech” nonsense.

    • @secproto
      10 months ago

      deleted by creator

      • Akintudne
        11 year ago

        Governments passing laws to force librarians and school administrators to remove books from public school libraries absolutely is a 1st Ammendment issue. And if it were just about keeping sexual content out of libraries, then conservatives wouldn’t have protested the removal of the Bible from public schools, which has several accounts of rape, incest, bestiality, and adultery. George Orwell coined the term “doublethink” in his novel 1984, but this is just garden variety hypocrisy.

    • Cancel culture has nothing to do with free speech. One is people deciding not to support a company. The other is the government threatening to steal more of a companies money if that company doesn’t silence a person.