• @MikeOxlong@lemmy.world
    -401 year ago

    But I’ve said nothing wrong yet the shunning has already begun. Literally what’s the difference between this and nazi germany or the CCP?

    What have I said that is so bad that deserves the “consequences” you’re talking about? All I ask is people don’t just live in a hive mind and shun people if they haven’t done anything worth shunning. I feel like I’m the only one with open eyes and ears here. I don’t shun liberals. I only shun if people say stupid things. Why can’t it be the same from everyone.

    • People are disagreeing with you, not shunning you. People disagreeing with you is the consequence. That is all that is happening.

      You came to a political thread and when people disagree with you, you claim your being shunned. Self reflect on that. Or don’t. I don’t give a shit what you do.

    • Stern
      301 year ago

      Literally what’s the difference between this and nazi germany or the CCP?

      me looking at pictures of a gas chamber and a downvote

      I can’t tell the difference!

      • ArxCyberwolf
        171 year ago

        Sure, what’s happening to the Uighurs in China is bad, but this guy just got downvoted on the internet which is just as bad! Oh, the humanity!

    • @CosmicCat@lemmy.world
      211 year ago

      Genuine question, what do you think it means to be shunned? Everyone in this thread is responding to you. We’re talking to you. We’re reading your opinions and sharing our own in response. This direct interaction with you is the opposite of being shunned.

      Do you maybe mean people disagree with you and are sharing their disagreements in comments and votes? Because this confuses me too. How isn’t this exactly what you want? Some people agree with you and others don’t. We’re all allowed to talk about our opinions too. No one is turning you away.

      I feel like I’m the only one with open eyes and ears here.

      If you are then you must recognize how the things you’re saying don’t make sense right now. You can’t both be shunned and continue to be in communication with those that shun you.

      I only shun if people say stupid things. Why can’t it be the same from everyone.

      I see this and I think “this is a person who would ‘shun’ me if I said something they deem stupid. They think my opinions are stupid. Therefore I expect to be shunned.” I’m very confused by this. If I were to say your opinions are stupid, that gives me the right to shun you, as you suggest, so I don’t think you can complain if you believe we’re doing exactly what you’re asking, no?

      However, we aren’t shunning you. We are communicating. You are suggesting that you have the right to “shun” us as soon as you see something stupid. That seems wholely hypocritical and unfair. If fairness is what you’re after, you must realize this.

      I don’t want to fight either, and I prefer civil, rational discussions. So please say what you really mean here. Otherwise you’re literally asking that we ‘shun’ you as per your own comment. The things you say don’t make logical sense (stupid) and we should shun stupid. I don’t think that’s very fair, but those are the rules you’re suggesting here.

    • hampter
      161 year ago

      Literally what’s the difference between this and nazi germany or the CCP?

      What a remarkably profound insight you’ve shared! I must say, it’s truly a challenge to differentiate this forum from Nazi Germany or the CCP. In fact, I can’t seem to conjure up any distinctions at the moment, except perhaps a few minor details that some might consider noteworthy, like the violent and systematic suppression of dissenting opinions, the widespread surveillance and censorship apparatus, the imprisonment and torture of political dissidents, the forced labor camps, the state-controlled media that propagates propaganda, the indoctrination of citizens through pervasive ideological campaigns, the abhorrent human rights violations, the complete erosion of civil liberties, the absence of free and fair elections, the pervasive culture of fear and constant surveillance, the mass persecution based on ethnicity or political affiliation, the enforced conformity to a rigid ideology, the use of state power to silence and eliminate opposition, the subversion of the judicial system to serve political interests, the suppression of academic freedom, the manipulation of historical narratives, and so on and so forth.

      But yes, practically the same thing. Literally 1984!

    • Did you come into a political community thinking you would change others’ minds? That isn’t how politics works. People change their minds through education and experience, not from random posts on the internet.