• MrMobius
    586 days ago

    It’s not that us outsiders like to watch your elections closely. But we need to since they’re gonna have a big impact on the world we live in, whether we like to admit it or not.

    • Match!!
      -35 days ago

      If you can figure out a way to cut America down to size, please fucking do, it’s not healthy letting us be Too Big To Fail

      • MrMobius
        45 days ago

        There’s no need for that, unless parts of the US want independence, like some Scots regarding the UK. But break it all up because it’s too messy, not healthy? That’s what critics of the EU or the UN also say. Myself I’ve always been an advocate of unity and collaboration since it’s the only way we’re gonna be able to solve climate change and every other major world crisis.

        • Match!!
          25 days ago

          You might be surprised how often Americans fantasize about parts of the country getting independence, not to mention the autonomous indigenous regions (which would always welcome more autonomy).