The vice president told a crowd of roughly 20,000 in Dallas that former President Donald J. Trump had said he would terminate the Constitution in a second term.

“Consider: Donald Trump has openly vowed if re-elected he’ll be a dictator on day one, that he will weaponize the Department of Justice against his political enemies, round up peaceful protesters and throw them out of our country and even, and even and I quote, ‘terminate’ the United States Constitution,” Ms. Harris said.

        62 months ago

        Maybe but give examples when you try to make your points. I’d love to see you show your receipts here.

              -132 months ago

              Maybe stop telling me what to do! You’re giving commands like an English teacher and it’s kind of annoying. You can do your own research, I’m not here to debate, just left a quick comment. Bye.

                  2 months ago

                  It’s not really an escalation, more like a, fuck off I’m not interested in engaging in a debate with citations. Anyone else can provide any evidence one way or the other if they would like to. I am using Lemmy casually atm and a well researched comment takes quite a while, don’t want to do it rn

                    82 months ago

                    Cool indeed. I showed anyone reading along what they would need to see from you- which is that you’re all talk.

                    Now you’re just trying to save face by going on the offensive. You took a swing and there’s no reason to be that upset about it.

                    That you missed so catastrophically…. Yeah. You probably should be upset about that.

          • Krzd
            32 months ago

            Man, if only you listened to your teacher instead of embarrassing yourself on the internet.

              -12 months ago

              If you think I am embarrassed by people downvoting me on the forum with the worst community I have yet seen, no. lol. I go here for news stories, the community (you) sucks ass. Way too liberal (derogatory).

            12 months ago

            ^ The comment of a person that has no real point to make.

            You had every opportunity in this thread to actually point to 1 dictatorial or ultra conservative policy Joe has implemented, and by not providing even 1 example you’re having the opposite of the intended effect.

            If you’re going to act like you know more than other people about something, it might be a good idea to have some real information on hand. Or, you could always just not say anything at all if you’re uniformed.