• mozzOP
    2 months ago

    You see it referenced all the time as a bit of democratic dogma. There was even a meme about it that hit the top of all/active like a few days ago on Lemmy. I like how this article

    Imma stop you right there

    Yes, I am aware that it is a popular narrative in the media and on Lemmy. My question was, do you have numbers for it?

    Because my assertion that it isn’t actually true, and people are saying it anyway, and that the discrepancy and the reasons for the discrepancy is an important fact.

    • @AWistfulNihilist@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Yeah I referenced two articles talking about it in multiple ways.

      You acting like it’s a new thing that’s never been discussed was what I was referring too. It’s absolutely a thing! That’s a bit of goal post moving on your part to go from “wow I’ve never heard of this before!” To “I don’t think that’s status statically true.”


      Like correct me if I’m wrong, this is you right? Are you also going senile?