With gaming often bringing me into a really depressive headspace sometimes with how the markets are developing, whats a game you can always go to and just be lost in, or just be happy with?

Personally i would go for advance wars 1 and 2 on the gba (there is no remake and never will be)

the artstyle, the music, the game-play is just simple, yet effective, a sublime experience of very fun times.

Whats yours?

  • snoopfrog@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Mine was Diablo 2 for the longest time. I could get my summon necromancer out and play fairly mindlessly. He’d have so many minions that nothing ever really hit me. He wasn’t super overpowered, so he didn’t kill fast, but it was a nice, lazy walkthrough kind of build. He did better in big open areas rather than corridors, so I’d play him in those even if that meant a lower chance of finding good gear.