• soli
    518 days ago

    That’s a franchise I didn’t see getting rebooted again. I’m intrigued, it’s got a very Square Enix Deus Ex vibe coming from the abilities shown off but it could really easily just be linear mandatory stealth section set piece stuff.

  • Perfect Dark revolutionized the multi-player experience, and had an equally awesome campaign. The 360 game was good, but nothing amazing. Really hoping this turns out to be amazing. I have faith that it will!

    • @caseyweederman@lemmy.ca
      119 days ago

      Goldeneye (1997), Perfect Dark (2000)
      Perfect Dark was a great game, but the multiplayer was a copy/paste of the game whose engine it was built in, no?

      • Perfect Dark introduced bots and a host of other customizable options that Golden Eye did not have. Golden Eye created the framework, and Perfect Dark improved on it in every possible way.

      • Uninvited Guest
        418 days ago

        My memory is fuzzy, but Perfect Dark had bots, while Goldeneye did not?

        Perfect dark also had a greater number of modes/settings.

        • @caseyweederman@lemmy.ca
          118 days ago

          Right, but… It totally revolutionized a thing that already existed by applying incremental improvements?
          Oh, cooperative campaign would be very substantial, wouldn’t it? And you could play as her sister.

  • @onlooker@lemmy.ml
    219 days ago

    Ooh, I’m always down for some spying. Especially if high tech toys are involved. Here’s hoping it’ll be good.