This is my very first cookbook. Published and bought by me in 1984 during the book fair at my primary school.

Such classics include:
▪︎ Ants on a log
▪︎ Junket
▪︎ Sandwiches
▪︎ Egg flip
▪︎ Milky Milo

    20 days ago

    I basically learned by osmosis ie. cooking porridge and peeling potatoes for dinner as a kid and then occasionally taking over cooking duty as a teen. I don’t remember the recipe books from Home Ec. Perhaps they were photocopied handouts.

    But I do remember one old vintage book that may have been “Australian Home Cookery”. It possibly once belonged to Granny.

    It’s creative commons by now so have at it

    Edit: Some of the stuff in there is incredibly dated and sus, such as aspic. But the casseroles, desserts and sauces have some solid basics.

    20 days ago

    Oh an egg flip! Is that a milkshake with an egg thrown in? Mum used to make a think called an eggflip with milk, milo, a raw egg and sometimes a scoop of ice cream (or just ice). I thought the name was made up and it was just an excuse to get some eggy protein into me (I was a not a big eater)