I just installed the CR Touch kit on my Ender 3 Pro. Everything is wired up, but I can’t seem to get the Z-Axis offset correct. My process is:
- Auto-Home
- Step the Z-Axis down until there’s slight resistance on a sheet of paper between the nozzle and bed
- Take that value (Roughly -1.3) and put it into the Z-Axis Offset value
- Level bed
All of this works, but when the bed is leveling, the CR Touch needle is hitting the bed way earlier than the nozzle by maybe a few mm. When I go to print, there doesn’t seem to be adhesion in some places on the glass bed.
What am I doing wrong? :(
Yeah, this was my assumption (the probe should hit before) - I just wasn’t sure if they were supposed to offset just enough with the adjustable probe to end up being in-line with the nozzle. The instructions are… not great.
Also - sorry, when you say leveling… do you mean that I should be leveling the bed against the ABL sensor or the hot end?