If we for instance take, as an example, someone thoroughly explaining something which is clear to 99,9999% of the earths adult population don’t you think the remaining .0001% could come up with some? I get that this community is a place to allow people to ask questions they can’t or won’t ask elsewhere but I certainly feel stupid sometimes when I ask questions while attending courses etc.

So bottom line, how do you ask questions when you feel stupid?

  • Shiimiish@lem.ainyataovi.net
    1 year ago

    I don’t think the distinction between “stupid / non-stupid” is the important one to make. The important distinction, imo, is between “honest” and “dishonest”.

    If someone wants to honestly learn the answer to something, how could this be a stupid question? Even if all other people in the world do, in fact, know the answer, it still wouldn’t qualify as a stupid question if asked in good faith.

    However, there are so many questions asked in bad faith and not coming from a desire to learn something. These are the real stupid questions.

    So, to answer your question: if you’re feeling stupid for asking something, just think about your intentions: do you ask because you honestly want to know the answer? Go ahead, and know that in this case there are no stupid questions - only stupid answers.

    • zeroIncentive@feddit.nuOP
      1 year ago

      That’s a good way of looking at it, I like the way of thinking of it as “do I want the answer” and the distinction you’re making between honest and dishonest rather than stupid or not!