Scientists at the US National Centers for Environmental Prediction said that the world’s average temperature had reached 17.01C on 3 July, breaking the previous record of 16.92C that had stood since August 2016.

    1 year ago

    Because it’s yummy

    A bad thing giving you pleasure(tasting good in this case) doesn’t make it okay to do the bad thing.

    and there is such a thing as sustainable farming for animal products. We did it right up until the turn of the Industrial Revolution and things were fine.

    It requires a shit ton of plants to feed animals for animal products, way more than using plants directly, nothing sustainable about that when we can just use plants directly instead.
    What do you think sustainable farming of animal products looks like?

    but all you’re doing is annoying someone who is potentially on your side with unnecessary dietary restrictions for the sake of “it’s overall better, do your part”. I am doing my part.

    You are not on my side if you support needlessly killing animals for profit/taste.
    You’re not doing your part if you willfully support super damaging industries that have readily available alternatives because “tastes good”.

    Also can you explain why you only have this reaction to my comment and not the parent comment which is the same but about conservatism? Is that just as bad? annoying people who might be on our side.

    As I mentioned if you want to fire shots, take aim at the corporations that’s are the ones truly causing all this harm.

    What does taking aim at corporations look like if not refusing to give them our money while advocating for regulation?

    The individual has almost not impact in comparison to one corporation.

    The reason these corporations do bad things is to earn money, they get that money from individuals.
    If people who think these corporations are doing bad things stop supporting it then suddenly the corporations have less money.

    Why not be on the right side of history?
    Why do you want to be forced into not doing bad things instead of just changing on your own?

      1 year ago

      Why not be on the right side of history?

      This singular line always sets off mental alarm bells, for me. From movies to historical speeches, I associate it with deception or extreme evangelism. I’m certainly not claiming you are doing either but did it feel it socially prudent to bring up.

        1 year ago

        Come on buddy, starting a debate and then refusing to actually debate is very silly.

        I’m not forcing anything on anyone, this is an internet forum, you aren’t a victim for reading some words.

        Being against animal cruelty and climate change isn’t trying to control peoples bodies lol.
        I’m specifically trying to get people to stop using animals as property, controlling their bodies…

        If I want to eat meat, that is my right as a living, breathing, functional and helpful human of this planet.

        What about the rights of other animals?
        Should they not have a right to life without you needlessly torturing and eating them?