Hi all, this is a place for the general discussion of TTRPGs. While Im sure places will pop up to discuss specific games, this is a place you could share fun new games you found, interesting dilemmas in your D&D campaign, your newest set of Warhammer minis, your questions about the Furry Pirates system, or updates on Pathfinder

Feel free to post an introduction, invite your friends, and check back for updates!

  • Eagle0600@yiffit.net
    2 years ago


    I just heard about this community and wanted to introduce myself. I’m a furry TTRPG player, mostly specialised in Pathfinder 1e, but I’ve also played DnD 1e (a long time ago), 3.5e, 4e (a tiny bit), 5e, and videogames based on 2e. I’ve played or GMed Mutants and Masterminds (3rd edition), White Wolf’s Scion game, Eclipse Phase (1st edition), Lasers and Feelings, the playtest for Pathfinder 2nd edition, Star Wars Edge of the Empire, Star Wars Saga Edition, some d6 Star Wars game I don’t know the name of and never actually saw the books for, Deadlands, some niche Starcraft game (Leovaunt’s), a single session of a Fallout game by the same publisher, and Iron Kingdoms.