(Sorry for bad english not my first language)

I am pretty sure most of us can agree on how bad Meta is and for some reason people are defending Meta.

I think many people is not realising how Threads and Federation with Threads is going to harm the development of Fediverse.

I dont think many people realize how Threads itself is going to harm fediverse. After twitters well known series dumb moves, many people saw this as an opportunity for fediverse to rise. But with Threads, essentially a 1 to 1 copy of twitter, just going to scoop all of that twitter refugees. Not just that but Threads is using fediverse as ready to consume content farm and eventually cause some users to migrate out of fediverse to Threads because “Well i can stay in touch with near circle easly while still being in fediverse” and after getting enough profits they will defederate themselves because there is not enought to gain from at that point. They will suck the life juice out of Fediverse.

Also as you know threads is tightly integrated with Instagram which made many Instagram users dove head first into Threads and this caused Instagram and Threads culture to be identical. And i think you can guess how bad Instagram culture is. Threads is just a breeding ground companies and influencers with high levels of toxicity and homophobia almost instantly. And we dont want this culture to infintirate Fediverse (Right?)

Also no, Threads is not going to contribute to Fediverse in users because why would a user will leave meta’s ecosystem and getting into this confusing things about fediverse while they can experience fediverse from Threads? Your average Threads user is not going to care about Fediverse. They will not even know what is fediverse is properly due to how anti-user most of the fediverse is right now. We need to improve on user friendliness to actually get attention instead of getting attention because an another platform is dying.

We need to defederate from Threads to prevent them from profiting off fediverse. They will just bring bad things opposed to good things.

Edit 1: Sorry i was a bit aggresive in the post. Also i reinstalles threads to see how shittie this app is after a bit more maturizing and i already sae a couple scams

Edit 2: I started to leave defederation side aswell but i am still strongly believe they might pull an EEE on us + I dont like the culture still

Edit 3: Nope, Threads community does not fit overall fediverse community and i think we defederate.

  • infotainment@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    The Fediverse is just a term for “social networks that use ActivityPub”

    Imagine if Facebook offered RSS feeds. That’d be nice right? It wouldn’t ruin anyone’s experience if they started supporting an open standard like that.

    Supporting ActivityPub is no different. It will let people on third party clients connect to Facebook properties. Don’t want to do that? You don’t have to!

    • silentdon@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Imagine if Facebook offered RSS feeds. That’d be nice right? It wouldn’t ruin anyone’s experience if they started supporting an open standard like that.

      Remember XMPP? How Google embraced that open protocol? Remember they extended it and practically turned it into their own standard? Remember how it was extinguished after they decided they could just make their own standard?

      That’s what people are afraid will happen with the metaverse. Facebook isn’t interested in making ActivityPub better. Their only goal is to turn it into a money stream without regard to whether it survives or not. The only way to slow that down is to not play woth them.

      • infotainment@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        I remember it well, and I was annoyed by it!

        But in the end, I’d argue Google dropping XMPP simply restored the status quo: XMPP went back to being the same niche thing it was before Google started supporting it.