Around 11:30 PM, one of the core GCFI breakers tripped resulting in the UPS array running until around just after midnight before dropping entirely.

We had not set up monitoring on the APC UPS as we hadn’t anticipated that as a failure point due to the reliability of the Colorado electrical grid, and didn’t anticipate the breaker itself flipping after months of continued use.

All services should be online again and working to catch up on any dropped content overnight, and we apologize again for the inconvenience.

We’ll be trying to identify the root cause throughout the day, working on the electrical connections, and setting up alerting through the APC UPS to detect and persistent A/C loss.

  • Maddi
    141 year ago

    Appreciate the updates! Thanks for the hard work!

  • Southern WolfA
    31 year ago

    Thanks for the updates and the hard work getting it all resolved!

  • @Wahots
    21 year ago

    Thank you!

  • @DragoReborn7
    11 year ago

    Thanks a ton for concise update and for all of your hard work!