I’m curious… and slightly horny, I admit it.
Marking this NSFW in case anyone wants to get into more detail about being top / bottom / vers or sub / dom.
I’m pretty gay / male oriented myself. I do like to post good straight yiff I find, but males turn me on much more. I’d also say I’m a switch, depending on the situation, very interested in stuff like petplay, Dom/sub situations.
Anyways 0////0 HBU? Just asking for scientific statistical purposes, of course.
(I might regret posting this hehe. Admin is being horny on main… )
I’m all the way gay
. The furry fandom helped me not hate myself a very long time ago, so I’m very grateful for that.
According to furscience, furries are >80% queer. Who knows why - we’re just a lucky bunch with a handful of comorbidities I guess.
That’s a cool word, “comorbidity”. ^^
It’s really great that you found some peace about yourself. Hopefully more happy times now
Same here, was a core part on accepting myself. Too bad I do not have the strength to make others accept that too.