• @natebluehoovesA
      1 year ago

      Marriage comes with legal ramifications at this point that in some states civil unions do not provide. The talking points of marriage being a Christian invention are pretty revisionist at at best, but I am willing to believe you are simply uninformed.

      Also, early translations of the Bible do not support it being against homosexuality, but rather feminine males who cut their beards. Still pretty bigoted and surrounded by prohibitions of mixed fabrics and shellfish though.

      Also, please refrain from using burner accounts and botted upvotes in the future for your concern trolling.

      Edit: autocorrect is awful

    • @MostlyBirds@lemmy.world
      221 year ago

      Marriage isn’t a christian concept at all. It’s existed in almost every culture in the world for all of recorded history.

    • @whoami@lemmy.world
      181 year ago

      Marriage is not a Christian concept - matrimony is. The concept of marriage predates the Christians by millennia.

    • inspired
      101 year ago

      This sounds like obvious sealioning but I’ve got a minute so I’ll take the bait. If everyone applies that mentality it will almost always lead to the tyranny of the majority. What will cause a group that has even a slim majority to understand and take into account the needs of the minority. How will the majority even know there is a problem if the minority doesn’t (as you say) “complain to everyone else”. Just like the poster depicted says “so what” about it being gay being a choice, I don’t care whether people define that stance as “homophobia”. I do care that they understand why they shouldn’t do it.

    • Nora
      1 year ago

      complains about gay people getting married

      “I don’t give a damn about homosexuals”

  • inspired
    31 year ago

    This sounds like obvious sealioning but I’ve got a minute so I’ll take the bait. If everyone applies that mentality it will almost always lead to the tyranny of the majority. What will cause a group that has even a slim majority to understand and take into account the needs of the minority. How will the majority even know there is a problem if the minority doesn’t (as you say) “complain to everyone else”. Just like the poster depicted says “so what” about it being gay being a choice, I don’t care whether people define that stance as “homophobia”. I do care that they understand why they shouldn’t do it.