

Going to try something new here, since I recently updated the rules of ChastityYiff to allow “media” rather than just “images”. Have a story written by Oreos of her skunk 'sona stuck in chastity with some orgasm denial.

Wander, if you see this, the community list in the pinned comment references !, but that doesn’t seem to exist.

I felt a quick buzz against my hips and let out a short, quiet gasp, nearly tripping on the sidewalk in a moment of distraction. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked the notifications, seeing that it was just a reminder that a daily quest in the Lucky Lotto game app was ready to play again.

I made a mental note of it and put my phone away, shifting my grocery bags back to both hands again. I was only a few blocks from home and it could wait until then; it wasn’t like I was gonna just drop everything and play it right there on the side of the road, after all.

Soon my shoes were kicked off, the groceries were safely stowed in the pantry, and my butt was sinking into the overstuffed cushions of my couch. I pulled my phone back out of my pocket and popped open the app.

Truth be told, Lucky Lotto was a pretty generic clicking simulator. It had all the usual daily-resetting quests, pay-to-win currencies, and those over-the-top animations that played every time the game wanted to bathe the neurons in your prefrontal cortex in dopamine. It was basically digital bubble wrap with better graphics and sound, much like any other mobile game.

But it did have cute characters and a reasonably compelling storyline, plus it made no secret of the fact that it was just a virtual casino. In fact, the game was originally designed as a companion app for a long-running weekly lottery; a gimmick to try to increase interest and engagement by rewarding players with small luck boosts for the prize drawings.

That was a while ago though, and the game had expanded and evolved in a number of ways since then, branching out to attract new audiences in hopes that they’d empty their pockets for tickets to the jackpot drawings, and for the in-game tokens to increase their chances of winning.

I scrolled through the list of daily quests, looking for the ones that were ready to play, and tapped into one of my favs. I skipped through the intro dialogue that I’d seen dozens of times before and got straight into tapping my way through the gameplay, my focus split evenly between the action, the cute character animations reacting to how well I was playing, and…

…And the buzzing against my clit every time I scored points.

I sank a little deeper into the couch cushions, blushing a little to myself as I kept on tapping through the gameplay. My breaths grew a little deeper as the warmth spread through me, and it wasn’t too long before I’d instinctively shimmied out of my pants to try to rid myself of the confining sensation around my pussy.

But my tight jeans weren’t what was confining me. No, that job was being done by the chastity belt; the same one holding the remote-controlled buzzer against my clit, and holding the still quiet vibrator deep inside my pussy. I clenched around it a little, anticipating its activation as the gameplay started to ramp up a little more.

I’d been playing the game off and on for about a year when I first heard rumors of the “High Stakes Kinkster Pack”. It was hidden behind a few options buried in the settings menus, but once I found it I knew I had to give it a try, so I ordered myself the starter pack.

There were a few different bundles, but the starter pack seemed like the most reasonable deal. It came with the belt, 10 “Lucky Kinkster Lotto” entry tickets, some in-game currency, loot boxes, and some unique outfit unlocks for my character.

It took a few weeks for the package to arrive, due to the belt being custom made to size, but it had finally arrived a week ago just in time to get into the week’s drawing. You had to wear the belt for the full week to qualify, after all.

Now I’d like to tell you that I spent a good while carefully considering my actions, but that would be a lie. It was only maybe 2 minutes from when I pulled the belt out of the sterilized vacuum-sealed plastic-foil packaging before I had it seated on my hips, snapping the waistband tabs into the lock plate on the front of the gusset.

The belt fit like a dream, the metal panels seating against each other in a smooth, almost seamless manner. There was no external keyhole to be found anywhere on the belt, nor any buttons or ports, save for the charging connector and the single status LED that doubled as a pairing button.

A quick tap of that pairing button registered the belt with my account, the clit vibe giving me three short buzzes to confirm it was activated and locked. Once the app validated the connection and belt status, it automatically activated my first entry ticket and the various in-game bonuses included in the pack.

The unique outfits were really cute, though I was a little hesitant to use them given that anyone on my friends list who recognized them would immediately realize what I had done to get them. There were a few unique quests that also unlocked, though as you might expect it was still the same basic gameplay, just spiced up with more lustful story lines, saucy animations and erotic cut scenes.

Really, other than the added, uh, ‘tactile feedback’, it had mostly been like any other week playing the game. I certainly had spent more time in game, though, given that some of my other idle activities were now off the table.

I took a deep breath as the first phase of the battle I’d been tapping my way through ended and transitioned into the second phase. I hit the first few targets and bit my lip as both the clit buzzer and the vibe in my pussy activated on each success, clenching my legs together involuntarily and trying to keep focused through the added distraction.

My toes were curled into the couch cushions by the time I made it to the third phase; my tail tip rolling up and flicking uncontrollably as my heart pounded in my chest. It was a struggle to keep both paws on my phone, and the only thing that kept them there was the knowledge that they’d be no use trying to roam southward as they were so desperate to do. Not while I was locked up in that belt, at least.

I kept tapping away at the screen as the third phase started, hitting the first few targets perfectly, causing both vibrators to buzz even harder than they had in the second phase, but I only made it past about a dozen or so before I slipped up and missed one. The game responded by not just denying me that round of stimulation as it had in the previous rounds, but also punishing me with a quick e-stim zap to give me even more motivation to keep a combo going.

There was only so much that motivation could do, though, and with my body hanging on the edge of orgasm it was quite difficult to even maintain a combo for a few hits, never mind any longer stretches. I wondered if the game would let me climax if I ever managed a perfect combo, though with how much difficulty I was having it felt like a pretty remote and abstract possibility even if it did, and it seemed more likely that it wouldn’t given that an earth-shattering orgasm was one of the promised rewards for winning the jackpot on the weekly drawing, along with a hefty sum of cash.

For the moment I was thankful enough to have made it through the third and final phase without failing out, and managing to collect enough points to cash in for another loot box and a few low tier luck boosts.

I set my phone down on the coffee table beside me and tried my best not to paw desperately at my belt, wishing I could feel something; anything through it that might help me push myself over the edge into the orgasm I’d been denied for almost a week now. Tried and failed, predictably; my paws finding their own way down to the gusset of the belt despite my best efforts.

Being locked up in a belt for a week would have been hard enough to deal with, but every single mini-game in the app seemed to be specifically designed to drive me right to the edge of orgasm, teasing me with what I was growing more and more desperate for with each passing day, without ever letting me actually achieve it. I tried to tell myself that I just shouldn’t play; just set down my phone and ignore the quest reminders, the notifications from friends, and so on. But that would mean giving up on earning more luck boosts, and making it all the more likely that the money I’d spent on the lotto entries in the bundle pack would be wasted.

Plus as frustrating as it was, it was admittedly pretty hot in its own way.

My train of thought was interrupted about then by a gurgling growl from my tummy, reminding me that it would be a good idea to cook some of those groceries I had brought home earlier. I grudgingly got up off the couch to do just that, leaving my jeans behind as I’d probably be dripping for a good half hour yet and figured I’d be better off just letting it soak into my thigh fur rather than make a mess of my jeans too.

A little while later a series of buzzes from the clit vibe interrupted me in the middle of stuffing my face with the fresh ravioli I’d cooked up. I shoved the last few bites into my maw and left the dishes to clean up later, hopping back to the couch in the living room and grabbing my phone.

I already had a pretty good idea what the notification was about to tell me: that it was time for the weekly jackpot drawing! I popped open the app and tapped my way into the main lotto room, almost quivering in excitement for what was about to come.

The vibe gave me a little tickle each time the countdown clock ticked down a second, and I propped my phone up on the coffee table to watch the action unfold, sitting on my knees on the couch with my tail below me to keep from making a damp spot on the cushions.

Or, well, to keep from making the damp spot from earlier any worse.

Finally the countdown hit zero and the screen changed to show a giant wheel. As soon as it spun into motion, the toy in my pussy also jumped to life. It buzzed softly at first, then as the wheel slowed down the intensity ramped up at the same time as the delay between vibes drew out longer and longer, matching the clicking of the wheel as it slowly came to rest.

I was quite nearly panting and biting my lip when the wheel finally stopped on the first number, and the shower of confetti was paired with my clit vibe going off, causing me to instinctively rock my hips towards the sensation. Since there weren’t any buttons on screen I had to press, I didn’t bother trying to keep my paws from rubbing uselessly at the gusset plate. Even though I couldn’t directly stimulate myself, the extra pressure did cause the vibrations from the clit buzzer to transfer into my aching, desperate nub a little more efficiently.

The second number was revealed much like the first, and the third much like the second. By the time all seven had been revealed I was nearly going cross-eyed. I reached forward unsteadily and tapped on the “Reveal My Numbers” button to see if I’d managed to match any.

The screen transitioned and showed a bunch of hidden squares under the week’s drawn numbers. There was a short countdown before a number was revealed; the fourth digit in this case. The app liked to jump around when revealing them to heighten the anticipation, though I never imagined I’d be anticipating it quite like this.

The number was a match, and the vibe buried in my snatch buzzed to life, much stronger than it ever had when playing one of the mini games. I nearly jumped off the couch in surprise as the fur all up my back stood on end, only barely managing to hold onto my composure as the stimulation tapered off before the next number would be revealed.

The seventh was revealed, another match! I didn’t have any time to brace myself before the vibe leapt into action again, causing a lustful moan to erupt out of my throat.

The first number was next, a match again! I was panting heavily, quite sure that any more matches would invariably drive me straight into orgasm.

My optimism was only slightly misplaced as the next number revealed another match. I was so close, so desperately close; I could feel the climax building inside me, just seconds away from release.

I didn’t get to find out what would happen with another match, though, as the remaining numbers all revealed themselves at once; three misses, and three harsh zaps from the e-stim to go along with them, knocking me back from the edge in an almost cruel manner.

“FFffffuck,” I cursed through my teeth, not sure if I was more disappointed in not winning the jackpot or not getting an orgasm. I tapped out of the jackpot screen, accepting the match-4 prize of 15 free tickets and heading for the settings screen. Even if I hadn’t won the jackpot, I could still at least get one thing I wanted.

I tapped into the “Kinkster” menu and navigated through a few screens until I got to the “Unlock” menu. I tapped it, and a little spinny wheel showed up on the screen for a second. I had to remind myself to breathe as I waited for the belt to pop open, watching the LED on the front blink slowly as it communicated with the app.

Then it stopped blinking. It hadn’t clicked or anything, so I tugged at the waistband a little and found it was still locked on tight. I was about to reach for the app when I saw the dialog that was on screen.

“Unlock Error: Game rules do not allow unlocking the kinkster belt while a Kinkster Lotto ticket is active.”

I glanced up at the status bar at the top of the screen; it showed 23 tickets remained in my account. It had auto-activated another ticket as soon as the jackpot draw concluded and the new round started.

It slowly dawned on me that there wasn’t any option to disable auto-activating the lotto tickets, and I was gonna have to endure 24 more weeks of being stuck in the belt before I could get out… assuming I didn’t win more tickets…