This is a commission I took from a friend of a friend! I can see mistakes in it these days, but it’s still one of the better and more refined, completed pieces I’ve made!

  • @SpitfireA
    31 year ago

    The last one you did was 2 years ago?

    Shame because it’s good and shows promise! Hope you still do art even if not full body.

    • @foxideOP
      31 year ago

      Thanks! I’ve done a headshot commission or two since then I think, got another fullbody of a twist on my character and a refsheet for someone else unfinished (it wasn’t paid so no one is being ripped off).

      The biggest obstacles to more are burnout and having to do wage slavery because none of my efforts to escape it have worked out. The AI “revolution” being poised to put everyone out of every job that isn’t scrubbing toilets for pennies doesn’t help with motivation!

      • @SpitfireA
        31 year ago

        Burnout is real and I feel the pressure of AI moving in. I hope that it doesn’t put many out of jobs but I feel that as it becomes more advanced it’ll become more of a reality.