Launching today to “a small group of users in the US,” according to a Google blog post.

The core of NotebookLM seems to actually start in Google Docs. (“We’ll be adding additional formats soon,” the blog post says.) Once you get access to the app, you’ll be able to select a bunch of docs and then use NotebookLM to ask questions about them and even create new stuff with them.

Google offers a few ideas for things you might do in NotebookLM, such as automatically summarizing a long document or turning a video outline into a script. Google’s examples, even back at I/O, seemed primarily geared toward students: you might ask for a summary of your class notes for the week or for NotebookLM to tell you everything you’ve learned about the Peloponnesian War this semester.

      71 year ago

      Was going to say how many months do we give it till it hits the graveyard / a duplicate slightly different google service gets announced to supersede it.

      • @drdiddlybadger
        21 year ago

        Bro, we should take bets on how long it’ll take for this project to die. I’d give it a year and a half.

    • Neato
      121 year ago

      But then they couldn’t easily kill it in 1-2 years when it doesn’t reap as much valuable user data as they expected.

  • Cloudless ☼
    81 year ago

    Okay Google, set a timer for 1 year. Run shutdown routine when the timer stops.