Set Empathy to 0 when creating the character if possible. Not a popular thing to do, but sets you up for success. Not great for co-op play though
There’s a lot of people who claim they’ve figured out a “passive money” hack but they’re either lying or their method is highly unethical…
I’ve figured out a way to make passive money that is both ethical and has been granting me ~$10 a day for years.
I’ve actually found that if I send myself 8 billion dollars every day I become 8 billion dollars richer every day passively
If you don’t skip the sleep sequences, there’s lots of minigames. Like flying or being rich or finding true love and even monster hunting.
What I hate about that though is that you don’t keep any progress you make. Though with how the encounters are guided by RNG, this may be a good thing in some cases.
It’s not so much a Hack, but if you start a New Game + you usually get to keep all the wealth of your previous character, so as long as you manage to be financially successful once it gets pretty easy to keep that going.
No hack, but the importance of the well rested buff cannot be overstated. The benefits may be small, but the penalties you avoid from accumulating the fatigue debuff are massive.
Not giving a shit about what people think is the best. Being able to just live without needing approval from strangers is liberating
Your charisma can also be as low as you want if you avoid as many charisma checks as possible.
Spawning into a guild that already has already acquired a large amount of wealth seems to be the most sought-after hack.