I’m finding that I really like having failure mechanics in my games. For those unfamiliar with the concept, the idea is that players gain a token or dice when they fail a roll they can ‘cash in’ later for a bonus on rolls when they really need it. DM Scotty’s Luck Dice rules and the rules of EZD6 are the best examples of these kind of rules I can think of.

In my opinion it adds a really interesting dimension to games. Rolling hot still feels great - but failure becomes more of a choice when you can spend resources. Failing a roll also stings less when you know you are getting a bonus you can use down the road. Instead of just trying to build the most mathematically optimal character, it becomes important to manage your resources as well.

Going from EZD6 to playing a low-level 5e game gave me a bit of whiplash. It definitely doesn’t feel good to know you have about a 50% chance of hitting an enemy or essentially wasting your turn. Nothing is more disappointing than waiting 10 minutes for your turn in combat for it to end in 20 seconds after missing your single attack per turn.

Recently I’ve been playing a lot of EZd6, and I’m planning on adding DM Scotty’s Luck Dice mechanics to a game of Vaults of Vaarn I’m planning as well. I think I’d like to add some kind of failure mechanic to all of my games going forward.

What do y’all think about failure mechanics? Is it something you also play with? Are you curious about it? Or do you have negative feelings or experiences with failure mechanics? Let me know!

  • jay2@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    I like it, but it can make the players whine when it fails to save them.

    If I’m DM’ing I try to keep notion that its my responsibility to get them to the goal regardless of the choices or events that happen. Its my job to figure out how to interpret random numbers. I use those bad rolls for my enjoyment as well as getting the characters to the goal.

    As an example.

    Player: I attack.

    Me: The orc or the bugbear?

    Player: The bugbear

    Me: Roll to hit.

    Player: <Rolls a natural 1> Me: When you stopped to poop in the bushes an hour ago, you knew you were going to have explosive diarrhea from eating that cajun eel porridge. What you didn’t know was that you had accidentally sprayed poo all over your swords hilt. As you pull it from the scabbard to attack, the weight of your shitty sword causes it to launch right out of your grip. It arcs elegantly across the scrubland for several yards, slightly rifling and glinting in the sunlight. It strikes the orc in the front right quadrant. The sword penetrates his vital cavity blade first and it doesn’t stop until the hilt of the weapon slams into his ribcage, the blade protruding just behind and below its left armpit. It’s mouth agape with confusion, shock and repulsion from the scent of your human filth still all over the hilt, the orc collapses slowly under the growing weight of gravity. Sadly, you’ll never know how extremely impressed he was with your advanced combat technique.

    Now the player lives but at the cost of kinda becoming the butt of a joke that’s worth remembering for years to come. And honestly, as an adult, when I’m hanging out with old dnd friends and the topic comes up, it’s those moments that we always remember and laugh about.