Today I’m introducing a groundbreaking bill - the National Strategy for Social Connection Act.
It creates a federal office to combat the growing epidemic of American loneliness, develops anti-loneliness strategies, and fosters best practices to promote social connection.
The problem in Portland is that we decriminalized most drugs, so now potential third spaces are over-run with homeless tents and drug use.
From my house I have either a 1/4 mile uphill walk to a major busline, or a 3/4 mile downhill walk to one. Either way isn’t particularly safe, and the bus lines themselves aren’t particularly safe.
yep, same up here in Seattle, many green spaces are fenced off - now no one can enjoy the parks because the local authorities wont do anything about the homeless trash smoking fentanyl in the streets. every time I have to go downtown I have to plot a route from the bus stop through the zombies. it’s ridiculous.