We’ve made the hard decision to end our experiment with Mozilla.social and will shut down the Mastodon instance on December 17, 2024. Thank you for being part of the Mozilla.social community and providing feedback during our closed beta. You can continue to use Mozilla.social until December 17. Before that date, you can download your data here (https://mozilla.social/settings/export), and migrate your account to another instance following these instructions (https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/mozilla-social-faq).
I’m assuming because they don’t have those AI engineers. I don’t agree with this or AI, but diversification isn’t something that can be ignored.
They need to focus on browser and bet on things that could succeed in the future. Winding down those bets that failed (like 3d visual worlds) is sensible.
Of the 60 they are laying off, how many of those work on Firefox?
I’m assuming because they don’t have those AI engineers. I don’t agree with this or AI, but diversification isn’t something that can be ignored.
They need to focus on browser and bet on things that could succeed in the future. Winding down those bets that failed (like 3d visual worlds) is sensible.
Of the 60 they are laying off, how many of those work on Firefox?