I’ve been running jellyfin server on win10 but just got my hands on an old laptop that I turned into a ubuntu server.
my question is, is there any advantage on running jellyfin in a docker container?
I suppose it might be easier to get it up running, but might be more wasteful?
Also since it is all in containers, would be easier to troubleshoot or to just kill it and start anew.
perfect! thanks!
one question regarding media folder, do I have to set it in the docker configuration (docker-compose) beforehand or I could use only the GUI to select the directories?
In case I must set it beforehand, would it work If I add symbolic links to that folder?
Unfortunately I don’t use a GUI to manage my docker compose config so I don’t know, sorry. Symlinks do work as long as you also mount the mount point to which the symlink points (if it is on another partition/physical disk)!
Oh no, sorry I meant the jellyfin GUI.
And thanks about the symlink, that gonna help!
Ah, right. Jellyfin running inside the container won’t know about anything happening outside of the container including any bare metal file system particulars, so you’ll have to manage mounts in the docker-compose file. AFAIK The official docker compose tutorial is pretty good but let me know if you need help!