Some amount of conflict is inherent to democracy — particularly so in a political system that prominently features His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition. And hyperbole has probably existed for as long as humans have been able to communicate.

But has any Canadian politician in recent memory embraced rhetorical conflict as enthusiastically as Pierre Poilievre?

For the Conservative leader, there seems to be no such thing as overstatement. And he seems to feel it’s almost always worth going on the attack.

    6 days ago

    It’s the same political theatre humans have always had and usually … the grander the theatre, the worse the outcome in the succeeding years.

    No politician or political figure can sustain this kind of crap on their own or through the force of their individual will. It happens because of a well funded multimillion dollar marketing and communications project sponsored by the wealthiest corporations and millionaires and billionaires who are pushing an agenda. I see conservative ads everywhere … internet, website, social media, tv, radio, newspapers … and all I can think of is … this costs millions to do and millions more to maintain. A federal election is nowhere near in sight and conservatives are a public relations campaign … its worth millions to do this stuff … where do you think the money comes from?

    It doesn’t work on me … but it definitely works on most people who really don’t care that much about politics. Hate is an easy marketing strategy and one that everyone easily hitches their wagon onto.

    It’s just another example that we live a plutocracy masked over a thin veil of weak democratic institutions.

    Money runs the system. Not people.

    Always has

    Always will