Oh boy, it’s happening. Google is flexing it’s muscles and abusing it’s market position. It has never been a better way to convince and support family and friends in moving across to Firefox, a fast and privacy supporting browser.

  • Isaac
    391 year ago

    Today is the day I finally move to Firefox and away from brave. No chromium based browser is safe, and I just can’t do it anymore. Fuck google and fuck this entire money hungry system. None of this serves the user.

    Makes me sick and sad for my kids’ future reality.

    • @Goodie@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Mozilla and Firefox opposed this change. How much impact this has on if you if you use Firefox is yet to be seen.

      If this change goes in, and has wide spread use, then Firefox won’t work with those websites, and you will be impacted. If this change goes in, but enough people use Firefox, then you won’t be impacted.

      As for what this change does: Its a little murky, but the short version is it allows for a remote web server to verify if you have messed with the local version. This could be as simple as preventing Ad block from working, as useful as ensuring it’s not a bot interacting with your website, or as idiotic as breaking all accessibility tools.

      TL;DR; Use Firefox.

      • JackGreenEarth
        101 year ago

        It’s up to the individual websites to use it or not, any websites I would use probably wouldn’t use it. Hopefully the only website I need to access that is not FOSS, my mobile banking website, won’t use it.

        • @CrypticCoffee@lemmy.mlOPM
          151 year ago

          I fear it’ll start with banking and streaming and eventually get rolled out. I fear if we don’t block this at the start, it will eventually keep rolling. It’ll be like a snowball rolling down hill, we need to stop it getting on to the slope.

  • @Sanctus@lemmy.world
    111 year ago

    I started the process of degoogling today. I am even switching peoples search engines at work to duckduckgo.

  • aeternum
    91 year ago

    when the fuck are these bullshit fucking monopolies going to be broken up? They need to be broken up.

    • @CrypticCoffee@lemmy.mlOPM
      1 year ago

      No government has the balls to act. More accurately, the lobbyists seem to be quite effective and the politicians often spineless and self-serving.

      We’ll hit them where it hurts. Market share. Google, you’re no longer trusted to dictate web standards anymore. Websites must support Firefox as well as chrome. We need Firefox to have enough market share that companies wouldn’t risk losing x% of their userbase and therefore revenues.

      • aeternum
        31 year ago

        Hmm. It’s a sad sad world we live in. Governments trying to put in backdoors that only the good guys can use (HA!). Conglomerates controllibg the internet. WEI. It’s a sad world. I miss the 90s internet :(

  • FarraigePlaisteach
    51 year ago

    I thought that Chromium was a “Degoogled” version of Chrome. Where did that myth come from? I still see it spread online.

    • aeternum
      101 year ago

      it still has a lot of google baked in. If you want true degoogled chromium, use degoogled chromium. But you should use firefox isntead. It’s better for freedom and user rights.

      • FarraigePlaisteach
        11 year ago

        I use Firefox and support Mozilla for the reasons you state. I’m just surprised to hear that Chromium is not degoogled. Comments online - even Kbin - suggest otherwise which is unsettling.

        • aeternum
          11 year ago

          that’s how google wants it. If people think chromium does’nt have any google in it, they’ll use it thinking they’re giving the thumbs down to google

          • FarraigePlaisteach
            11 year ago

            Any idea where the myth comes from? Did Chromium start off “clean” and become contaminated later?

            • aeternum
              01 year ago

              I think google bought chromium, but I’m not 100% sure.

  • tiredofsametab
    41 year ago

    I’ve been mainly using firefox on Windows for ages now, but switched my phone today. I’ll still need them because Japanese is a hard language and I need my Google Translate sometimes, but all other things go through FF now.

    • megane-kun
      41 year ago

      Eh? What is about accessing Google Translate via Firefox that you dislike? I’ve been using (sparingly) Google Translate via Librewolf (a fork of Firefox) and I haven’t experienced no problems with it.

      Or are you talking about the Google Translate mobile app? I wish there’s a good alternative to it too.

    • @CrypticCoffee@lemmy.mlOPM
      211 months ago

      It’s chromium and if people are using chromium, websites are going to be more likely to implement WEI. Google dictating web standards is the issue, and any chromium based browser keep that in place.

      • @TheRejectedWolf@monyet.cc
        211 months ago

        Message received and understood. I liked Brave cause I can make apps from websites, but I do understand the importance of what is being written here.