• rottingleaf@lemmy.world
    1 day ago

    Because the ex-Soviet elite layer, one can say, a one big mafia corporation, after USSR’s breakup has taught its ways to Western elites, and Western elites have taught them something too.

    Actually in that context Linus’ dad being a Finnish communist who lived in USSR for some time is an interesting additional fact. I even remember reading that in J4F and marveling at his rose-tinted view of USSR there.

    These people want to pretend that this didn’t happen and their institutions are not already dying, and that they are very different from Russians.

    So they think they can avoid something by hating more on Russians, that must help. It’s like avoiding infected people during a plague, only your crowd is already infected too, it’s too late.

    Also when you are more used to something and conscious of it, you have more immunity.

    In Russia we have a choice between obvious propaganda, delusions reactive to that propaganda (which are not truth, but humans want to think that the clear opposite of propaganda is the truth), various fuzzy neutral-pessimistic grassroots opinions, and 100 sorts of foreign obvious propaganda. We are also conscious of how much power we as people really have. Even those who volunteer for Ukraine are not doing that due to “lack of real news”, they are doing that due to various kinds of desperation and cynicism, some just being evil.

    In any Western country you have the same choice, but due to the common delusion that your kinds of obvious propaganda are not that, you tend to avoid using it. That’s just an earlier stage.

    • 7dev7random7@suppo.fi
      22 hours ago

      Nah men. You play the victim card. This is still in active use to reason about misdoings by Russians.

      Don’t compare yourself to Western countries in such a simplified way.

      Russians have contributed too much crimes in their occupied countries in the last centuries. You guys felt and acted entitled.

      There are always other choices.

      You guys contributed actively to cruelty. Instead of admitting things you compare yourself to others to denounce them.

      Reflect about yourself, not others.

      • rottingleaf@lemmy.world
        14 hours ago

        <censored out to remove an insult>.

        Nah men. You play the victim card. This is still in active use to reason about misdoings by Russians.

        First of all whole nations don’t do that, <censored out to remove an insult>.

        If in your barn it’s considered that everything said by a person from some nation that can be put under some term specific for it, like “whataboutism” or “victim card”, you’re wrong!

        You are simply not a sufficiently civilized person.

        You are a failure of your country’s education system and of your parents’ efforts.

        My country’s education system worked better because I had to resist it to keep sanity, but I suspect that in key criteria it was the same as yours’, and the reason is that someone misguided you to think that you don’t have to do that.

        Don’t compare yourself to Western countries in such a simplified way.

        This is a too damn <censored> complex way for you, that’s for sure. I think we do have to simplify things sometimes for our counterparts.

        It’s me looking down on you here, not the other way around.

        Holy shit, you do realize that “Western countries” is a 90% match with the bunch of nations that unleashed slavery and genocide unprecedented in history on most of the globe, rebuilt their whole societies and economies around robbing colonies, and that still functions in this exact way?

        Russia was and is just the lesser sidekick turned problematic.

        There has been a transformation, sort of colonialism of Theseus, where colonies that were openly and legally robbed to create that Western way of life (that Westerners consider to be a result of their superior culture and intelligence, ROFL mwahahaha) have gradually morphed into puppet monarchies and dictatorships and theocracies and cleptocracies, the borders of which are decided by the West, the corrupt elites of which all rely on the West for keeping their power, and the legality of which from the West’s viewpoint is directly connected to them creating financial incentives for the West. If you don’t know about this, because you are not interested in African, South American and especially Middle Eastern matters, the problem is with your ignorance.

        Especially if you’re Finnish (maybe, from your instance?), Soviet crimes against your country are not comparable to Finnish concentration camps in WWII, <censored> again, you are not deceiving anyone here. I actually thought Russia should cede that chunk of Karelia back to Finland, until I realized that Finns are as dumb as Russians, but with some superiority idea, and also until 2020 dropped and I realized that strategic depth is more important than being nice. With any country, because any supposedly civilized society (like Westerners supporting Azerbaijan against Artsakh) can turn into a bunch of savages.


        By the way, about comparisons - Armenia was a civilized (by the measure of that time) country long before Swedes civilized Finns, and long before Swedes themselves stopped being savages. Beowulf’s prototype story is approximately dated in the same age as Vardan Mamikonyan fighting against Persians.

        Artsakh was part of Armenia (as a country, not as a state) since before then.

        By the way, the EU has an elected body of representatives, the European Parliament, which again and again votes in support of Artsakh (and Armenia as a whole) on something, and the European Commission (which is not an elected body) again and again just acts ignoring those. It that fine by you as some Western civilized thing I’m incapable of understanding, or it appears that really important decisions are not left to serfs?

        You guys contributed actively to cruelty.

        Not anyone from my family, so you can immediately <censored> again, I think you’re going to be sore there.

        By the way, my ancestral homeland is Tayq, that’d be part of Western Armenia occupied by NATO member Turkey and recognized by its Western allies as part of it. <Censored> again.

        Instead of admitting things you compare yourself to others to denounce them.

        That’s called pointing out injustice. When an NKVD man is telling that a Gestapo man is a torturer, that’s right, of course, but the Gestapo man calling the NKVD man a torturer back is just as right. Your argument seems to be that the Gestapo man is torturing someone right now, so we have to get busy with stopping that, and not the NKVD man. But the NKVD man is torturing someone right now, he’s just accusing the Gestapo man of using “the victim card” instead of addressing that.

        I realize that your upbringing was lacking, but you could reach the simple conclusion by yourself that if you are on the right side and if you reason logically, you won’t lose anything by accepting comparisons, because the right side in an argument relies on truth reachable by logic.

        If you have to discard comparisons and other arguments without answering them, you are indirectly incriminating yourself. Unless they are just unmanageable in scale, which is not the case here.

        “Admitting” things is offtopic here. That’s not what we are talking about. Nobody here is apologizing before a <censored> Finn.

        TL;DR - this wouldn’t work in other situations if the comparison wouldn’t be justified, because you’d always have something of the matter to answer instead of discarding it, so <censored> the last time.

        • 7dev7random7@suppo.fi
          3 hours ago

          Wtf. Seriously?

          Seems like you have to justify your civilization.

          Guess your day was worse then mine. But that’s obvious.

          You refer to - not even thin - empty air, so go mind your people business and teach them.

          – second post, first one got an error in my app when replying –

          • rottingleaf@lemmy.world
            1 hour ago

            Yeah, sorry, I get triggered easily, indeed usually based on conditions unconnected to the conversation itself.

            Seems like you have to justify your civilization.

            No, I extrapolate your comment for you to have something of that kind in your opinions further than what you said. Which happens when …

            Guess your day was worse then mine. But that’s obvious.

            Y-yeah, I don’t like spending 3 hours in client’s environment via <a lot of words censored out> Zoom with 2-3 second delays (for key presses and mouse movements) and 2 other people discussing life in the same conference in background, and sometimes asking me questions. My day was worse, no doubt about that. Thank you for noticing. LOL

            You refer to - not even thin - empty air, so go mind your people business and teach them.

            I disagree, but writing such texts is useless in general towards anyone.

            Getting back to the subject of the post - 11 people is not too many. Being in aggressive state’s military’s supply chain is common. DARPA and all.

            It would be basic decency to send 11 e-mails, and then, after some time, make an announcement (could have been more thoughtful too).

            It seems 1 of those 11 people was dropped by mistake, but can’t believe everything posted in the Interwebs.

            The rest was thin air, yes. I got triggered by Linus referring to nationalism. Again, sorry for that unhinged text.

    • Allero@lemmy.today
      1 day ago

      Virtue signaling and spreading hate as a way to distance yourself has truly never led to something good.

      And with the direction US and EU are taking recently, I have more sad reasons to believe your words are true. Let’s hope they’re not.

      Thanks for your input.