NGL, not asking for a friend. Given the current trends in US politics, it seems prudent to at least look into it.

Most of the online content on the topic seems to be by immigration attorneys hustling ultra rich people. I’m not ultra rich. I have a job in tech, could work remotely, also have enough assets to not desperately need money if the cost of living were low enough.

I am a native English speaker, fluent enough in Spanish to survive in a Spanish speaking country. I am old, male, cis, hetero, basically asexual at this point. I am outgoing, comfortable among strangers.

What’s good and bad about where you live? Would it be OK for a outsider, newcomer?

  • Lvxferre [he/him]
    5 months ago

    Brazil is a Bad Idea®.

    • There’s a reasonable chance that a Trump-like clown wins in 2026. Probably a Bolsonaro ally, or even a relative (there have been talks about his wife running for presidency).
    • Repeat with me the Latin American mantra: Nothing Fucking Works®.
    • Ask Haitians and Venezuelans how they’re treated.