Well when using it for sleep monitoring it means I can’t charge it overnight. It doesn’t charge quick enough to get a full day while charging in the shower or something so it’s inconvenient
I’ve recently changed to a Fitbit Versa 2 after having a Huawei Android Wear for years until it literally fell apart. The Huawei never lasted more than a day, but I can get 2-3 with the Versa, which means I can use it for sleep tracking. Charging up only takes 30 minutes or so, so every few days I just pop it in for a bit. I ended up never using most of the features of the Android, so the Fitbit does me fine. The only thing I miss is the “now playing”, but I can live with that.
Yea I get roughly a day out of mine. If I don’t charge it in the mornings it won’t make it through the day. I’d love to get a couple days out of it.
Eh that’s how my Apple Watch is and I don’t mind because I charge my phone every night as well.
A day is fine, more than a day is nice but not necessary, less than a day is unacceptable.
Well when using it for sleep monitoring it means I can’t charge it overnight. It doesn’t charge quick enough to get a full day while charging in the shower or something so it’s inconvenient
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I’ve recently changed to a Fitbit Versa 2 after having a Huawei Android Wear for years until it literally fell apart. The Huawei never lasted more than a day, but I can get 2-3 with the Versa, which means I can use it for sleep tracking. Charging up only takes 30 minutes or so, so every few days I just pop it in for a bit. I ended up never using most of the features of the Android, so the Fitbit does me fine. The only thing I miss is the “now playing”, but I can live with that.