• PizzaMan@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Interesting. Where would you move, out of curiosity?

    If I could move anywhere? Probably the Netherlands. They have walkable cities, good job, good healthcare, a healthy respect for the environment. They have many of the policies I would like to see happen here, and they are the happiest nation on Earth if I recall.

    In reality? I will probably be moving to Costa Rica, at the very least for when I retire. My girlfriend is there and the cost of living is a decent bit cheaper there. When we move depends on a lot of things, but it is currently our backup. We are pretty damn terrified of the authoritarian/fascist policies that are becoming popularized in the U.S., and we don’t want to be persecuted for being who we are. So if things get particularly bad we might just end up getting a greencard wedding is Costa Rica.

    I wouldn’t really start that non-profit, because ultimately it would distract from legitimately good charities, but it does cross my mind now and then.

    There is one charity like that which comes to mind to me. It’s called the Rainbow Railroad, and it’s for LGBTQ+ people who are trying to escape persecution, who want to move to a place where they will be safe.

    I suspect you would not be a fan of it though.

    So on a side note, one thing I’m confused about is that you think people who want to see drastic change in America, who perceive it in a negative light, you think they should move or be deported. Yet when it comes to cartels, you think people should fight to the death to get rid of cartels and corruption.

    Why is it in one case the answer is deportation/moving but in the other case it is fighting to the death?

    When you talk about people who harbor a negative association with the American flag, though, that’s far beyond a disagreement. You’re talking about domestic terrorists there.

    It’s ultimately a disagreement, a huge one sure, but a disagreement. And it’s not domestic terrorism because that involves violence.

    They’re absolutely not American at heart, so why would we allow them to live here?

    Because the alternative is persecuting them for their beliefs, which is un-American and a 1st amendment violation.

    These are people who are likely to commit mass murder at the drop of a hat

    You have no evidence for that, but I would actually suspect it’s the opposite, or at least a similar crime rate as the rest.

    And the reason for my suspicion is that most mass shootings are done by straight white men, and most domestic terrorism is right wing motivated. Neither of which aligns with the demographics that view the flag in a negative light. The nature of domestic terrorist attacks differs quite a bit between left vs right as well.




    I imagine there’s probably less than a dozen such people nationwide

    It’s considerably more than that.




    From the first one, it would work out to roughly 30 million Americans who overall view the flag negatively. And that’s before you count the people who have a mixed view of it.

    That’s the broadest acceptable spectrum of every religion in America

    It doesn’t matter if it covers all religions because it’s generic, it’s still religious and forcing it upon children is forcing religion.

    Bear in mind that we have the freedom of religion, not freedom from it.

    It’s logically impossible to have one without the other. If the state has the ability to force you to partake in religion then we have no freedom of religion. They are one in the same.

    What I meant was that it ultimately tells us to love our neighbors. That’s the root meaning behind it.

    I don’t think that’s true. The meaning to mean quite clear is limited to this: By reciting the pledge you are promising loyalty to the state, its primary symbol (the flag). The last bit is about affirming the ideals of our country. The under god part of the ideals was in response to the red scare, the one nation indivisible in response to the civil war, etc.

    It’s meant to be a patriotic, unifying/rallying cry. But it comes off as incredibly dystopian and creepy.

    It doesn’t mention anything about our neighbors.

    And to kinda bring up a new point, the Supreme Court had a ruling for Jehova’s Witnesses saying that their children couldn’t be forced to do the pledge because it constituted worship of a false idol, the flag.

    And I agree with that ruling. People shouldn’t be forced to do the pledge. Forced speech is a violation of the 1st amendment.

    If the government can force you to say something then we are missing a critical component of free speech. The same concept applies to freedom of religion/freedom from religion.

    • 10A@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      Part 2 of 2:

      The nature of domestic terrorist attacks differs quite a bit between left vs right as well.

      While that’s interesting, you’d need to be far outside the traditional political spectrum to think anything negative about the American flag.

      Please understand that I suggest deportation because it’s by far and away the most compassionate approach, as what’s truly deserved is far more violent and lethal, but we can rise above that.

      It’s considerably more than that.

      Thank you for the links. It’s clear we’ve allowed the problem to fester for too long. We’ll see those numbers quickly return to a natural 100% “love it” if we enforce “love it or leave it”.

      it’s still religious and forcing it upon children is forcing religion.

      Um, no. We all have a natural relationship with God, and that has nothing to do with any specific religion. We can raise our children in our faith tradition, while educating them about how other denominations disagree on various topics, and allowing them to ultimately choose their own style of worship and details of belief.

      It’s logically impossible to have one without the other. If the state has the ability to force you to partake in religion then we have no freedom of religion. They are one in the same.

      The state doesn’t have that ability, and neither does anyone else. But if someone is opposed to God, then they’re opposed to American values, and they should be treated as such.

      That’s not forcing anyone to partake in religion; it’s just acknowledging that we’re a Christian country at heart, and we always have been, founded on Christian values, and we’re not going to enforce any particular flavor of Christianity, nor are we even going to enforce that people practice Christianity at all, but you certainly must favor God because otherwise you favor Satan.

      By reciting the pledge you are promising loyalty to the state

      That’s wholly incorrect. We tend to harbor plenty of objections to our politicians, on both sides of the aisle. We fly our flags anyway because they’re our flags, not the politicians’ flags. Politicians are our employees.

      It’s meant to be a patriotic, unifying/rallying cry. But it comes off as incredibly dystopian and creepy.

      It’s meant to stand for the American people and American values. If you find that dystopian or creepy, I have to wonder if you know your neighbors very well. Honest question: do you?

      • PizzaMan@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Part 2 of 2:

        I didn’t get the first part, nor the other thread if you replied to it. It seems we are hitting the limit of kbin/lemmy at the moment with the bugs it currently has.

        you’d need to be far outside the traditional political spectrum to think anything negative about the American flag.

        I don’t think so. The american flag represents the countries history as well, and there are many dark sections of history to this country. You don’t have to be that far from the center to recognize that.

        as what’s truly deserved is far more violent and lethal

        You are suggesting the death penalty for people’s beliefs. That is antithetical to the principles of our nation.

        We’ll see those numbers quickly return to a natural 100% “love it” if we enforce “love it or leave it”.

        And it would be immensely harmful to the country to do that. Once you permit the government to punish people for their beliefs, you open the flood gates to a tyrannical government.

        Um, no. We all have a natural relationship with God

        There is simply no evidence for that. And forcing children to partake in religion is a form of forcing religion. There isn’t any way I can explain it other than that, as this is an issue so straightforward as ‘square goes in square hole’.

        it’s just acknowledging that we’re a Christian country at heart, and we always have been, founded on Christian values

        That is objectively false.

        1. “As the government of the United States of America is not on any sense founded on the Christian Religion" ~ Treaty of Tripoli; initiated under President George Washington, 1796, signed into law by President John Adams, 1797, ratified unanimously by the Senate, 1797, published in full in all 13 states, with no record of complaint or dissent.

        2. “Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship… I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should ‘make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,’ thus building a wall of separation between church and State.” –Thomas Jefferson, letter to Danbury Baptist Association, CT

        3. “History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government.” –Thomas Jefferson to Baron von Humboldt, 1813

        4. “Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise.” –James Madison, letter to William Bradford, April 1, 1774

        5. “Who does not see that the same authority which can establish Christianity, in exclusion of all other religions, may establish with the same ease any particular sect of Christians, in exclusion of all other sects?”– James Madison, A Memorial and Remonstrance, addressed to the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of VA, 1795

        6. “What influence, in fact, have ecclesiastical establishments had on society? In some instances they have been seen to erect a spiritual tyranny on the ruins of the civil authority; on many instances they have been seen upholding the thrones of political tyranny; in no instance have they been the guardians of the liberties of the people… A just government, instituted to secure and perpetuate it, needs them not.” –James Madison, A Memorial and Remonstrance, 1785 .

        7. “He had no faith, in the Christian sense of the term– he had faith in laws, principles, causes and effects.” –Supreme Court Justice David Davis, on Abraham Lincoln

        8. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” –First Amendment, Constitution of the United States

        9. “I have found Christian dogma unintelligible…Some books on Deism fell into my hands…It happened that they wrought an effect on me quite contrary to what was intended by them; for the arguments of the deists, which were quoted to be refuted, appeared much stronger than the refutations; in short I soon became a thorough deist.” -Benjamin Franklin, “Toward the Mystery” (autobiography)

        10. "When the clergy addressed General Washington on his departure from the government, it was observed in their consultation, that he had never, on any occasion, said a word to the public which showed a belief in the Christian religion, and they thought they should so pen their address, as to force him at length to declare publicly whether he was a Christian or not. They did so. However, the old fox was too cunning for them. He answered every article of their address particularly except that, which he passed over without notice…he never did say a word of it in any of his public papers…Governor Morris has often told me that General Washington believed no more of that (Christian) system than he himself did. -Thomas Jefferson, diary entry, 2/1/1799

        11. “Christianity is the most perverted system that ever shone on man”- Thomas Jefferson

        12. “There is not one redeeming feature in our superstition of Christianity. It has made one half the world fools, and the other half hypocrites.”- Thomas Jefferson

        13. “Lighthouses are more useful than churches.”- Ben Franklin7. “The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason.”- Ben Franklin

        14. “In the affairs of the world, men are saved not by faith, but by the lack of it.”- Ben Franklin

        15. “This would be the best of all possible worlds if there were no religion in it”- John Adams

        16. “Of all the tyrannies that affect mankind, tyranny in religion is the worst.”- Thomas Paine

        17. “I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish Church, by the Roman Church, by the Greek Church, by the Turkish Church, by the Protestant Church, nor by any Church that I know of. My own mind is my own Church. Each of those churches accuse the other of unbelief; and for my own part, I disbelieve them all.”-Thomas Paine

        18. “All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.”- Thomas Paine

        19. “The Bible is not my book, nor Christianity my profession.”- Abraham Lincoln

        20. “Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise.”- James Madison

        21. “In no instance have the churches been guardians of the liberties of the people.” ― James Madison

        22. "Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of the common law. " ~ Thomas Jefferson

        That’s wholly incorrect.

        It’s a pledge (promise) of allegiance (loyalty). My description of the pledge is accurate.

        If you find that dystopian or creepy

        I find it dystopian and creepy because it’s the same sort of thing that North Korea does, China does, and Nazi Germany did. Forcing people to swear loyalty to the state is a gross misuse of the power of the government.

        I have to wonder if you know your neighbors very well. Honest question: do you?

        That depends upon what you mean by “neighbors”, and “know”. Sorry, that’s just a very broad question. Can you elaborate?

        • 10A@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          I didn’t get the first part, nor the other thread if you replied to it. It seems we are hitting the limit of kbin/lemmy at the moment with the bugs it currently has.

          Do these work?

          I’ll pause there for now.

        • 10A@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          Unpause, part 1 of 2:

          I paused before, so here’s the remainder of my reply:

          I don’t think so. The american flag represents the countries history as well, and there are many dark sections of history to this country. You don’t have to be that far from the center to recognize that.

          You have to be actively seeking out negativity, because it’s nearly impossible to find unless you go looking for it.

          The personality type of leftists (admittedly I’m painting with a very broad brush here) is the type of person who feels comfortable when they’re criticizing things. I think it makes them feel smart, or better than whatever (or whoever) they’re criticizing, or maybe the motivation varies from person to person, but whatever the reason, leftists typically seem to find comfort in criticism.

          One of the most visible manifestations of this preference is the rise of CRT, which is like a cancer spreading to all of our institutions. CRT is a part of Critical Theory, the broad set of philosophical works lauded by leftists for attempting to “deconstruct” western civilization. To a normal conservative American, the very fact that Critical Theory (CRT included) has the word “critical” in its name indicates that it’s an evil way of thinking, seeking out negative thoughts instead of praising God. The fact that the theory lives up to its disturbing name, and actually uses criticism as its core methodology, only goes to show that this is one of those cases in which it’s valid to judge a book by its cover.

          To normal conservative Americans, we know America is blessed because our Lord is God. Our history is chock full of divine providence. When you criticize America, you criticize God. Criticism is an evil way of thinking. That’s not to say we’re perfect, at all, because we’re all sinners. But as we each repent for our individual sins, seek continued favor from God, and work to do God’s will on earth as it’s done in heaven, we know that our fate is in God’s hands, so we choose faith and love where leftist criticizers choose discontent, anger, and hatred.

          You are suggesting the death penalty for people’s beliefs. That is antithetical to the principles of our nation.

          I certainly wasn’t suggesting lethal injection. I was looking back to our nation’s early practices. Someone might get tarred and feathered if he deserved it, while someone else might be drawn and quartered. We burned witches at the stake. These are the principles of our nation, and our early history that gained us favor with God. So it’s certainly not antithetical to the principles of our nation at all. But it is antithetical to God’s will for us to practice forgiveness, which is why I instead call for compassionate deportation.

          Once you permit the government to punish people for their beliefs, you open the flood gates to a tyrannical government.

          I do agree with you on this, believe it or not. I enjoy this discussion because I enjoy the free interplay of beliefs. I wouldn’t want you silenced.

          But at the same time, I believe there’s a limit to how far it extends. Just as you can’t legally yell “fire” in a crowded theater (remember crowded theaters?), I see the toxic hatred for America as being principally unwelcome.

          And I’m not really advocating for the government to do anything, other than say “if somebody hates America then we decline to offer that person any police protection for their natural rights.”

          There is simply no evidence for [us each having a natural relationship with God]. And forcing children to partake in religion is a form of forcing religion. There isn’t any way I can explain it other than that, as this is an issue so straightforward as ‘square goes in square hole’.

          There’s an abundance of evidence for it, everywhere I look. Our Creator put us here for a purpose. To ignore that fact is evil. We are responsible for raising children to become moral, and that’s impossible without a firm reliance on Christ. Again, you’re either with God or you’re with Satan. To raise a child without emphasizing God’s role in everything we do and think is to raise that child as an unknowing agent of the Beast.

          • PizzaMan@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            You have to be actively seeking out negativity, because it’s nearly impossible to find unless you go looking for it.

            We had an entire civil war about whether black people were actually people, and it was one of the biggest events in our nation’s history. It is far from impossible, and I don’t believe I am seeking out negativity. I think I am seeing things as accurately as I can within my limited power.

            The personality type of leftists

            I think everything you said here could just as easily apply to conservatives. You spend the entirety of the next two paragraphs criticizing leftists/CRT.

            the word “critical” in its name indicates that it’s an evil way of thinking

            Critical thinking is a good thing, not a bad one. It is what allows us to see what is wrong so we can make it better. You can’t learn from your mistakes if you think you have none.

            Someone might get tarred and feathered if he deserved it, while someone else might be drawn and quartered. We burned witches at the stake.

            All of which were horrifying ways to die, cruel and unusual punishments, and therefore an 8th amendment violation.

            These are the principles of our nation

            You keep saying that these violations of the constitution are the principles of our nation. Doesn’t that seem a little silly to you?

            compassionate deportation.

            Deportation of U.S. citizens is in no way compassionate.

            Just as you can’t legally yell “fire” in a crowded theater (remember crowded theaters?), I see the toxic hatred for America as being principally unwelcome.

            The reason you can’t legally yell “fire” is because it causes a direct and present danger because of the potential of a stampede. Hating america for what it currently is and wishing it to be better is nowhere near the same.

            “if somebody hates America then we decline to offer that person any police protection for their natural rights.”

            And that would make them a target for criminals, which would again be an 8th amendment violation.

            There’s an abundance of evidence for it, everywhere I look. Our Creator put us here for a purpose. To ignore that fact is evil.

            “Looking everywhere” is not a form of evidence.

            and that’s impossible without a firm reliance on Christ.

            Under your definition of what’s moral, sure that may be true, but I don’t think you hold a reasonable view of what is moral.

            • 10A@kbin.social
              1 year ago

              I don’t believe I am seeking out negativity. I think I am seeing things as accurately as I can within my limited power.

              When a demon suggests a negative thought to you, do you turn to God? Or do you reject God and allow the demon’s suggestion to fester in your mind? Do you believe the demon when he claims there is no God? Do you find contentment of “seeing things as accurately as you can” when you spend time focusing on negativity?

              Critical thinking is a good thing, not a bad one. It is what allows us to see what is wrong so we can make it better. You can’t learn from your mistakes if you think you have none.

              I never claimed we have no mistakes. We are all sinners. That’s why we need to repent and be saved.

              That has nothing to do with being critical. See Proverbs 2, which I almost want to quote in full here, but I’ll leave it at a link.

              therefore an 8th amendment violation

              Technically the truth. But the Bill of Rights is only intended to protect Americans. It is my contention that anyone who hates America is evidently not American.

              Deportation of U.S. citizens is in no way compassionate.

              Correct. But someone who hates America is not a valid citizen.

              The reason you can’t legally yell “fire” is because it causes a direct and present danger because of the potential of a stampede. Hating america for what it currently is and wishing it to be better is nowhere near the same.

              A hatred for America is no less of a clear and present danger. A person who hates America is deep into a terrorist mindset.

              Wanting one’s country to be “better” is universally agreeable. But when it comes from a perspective of hatred, there’s no way to trust the subjective meaning of “better”.

              America’s essential culture and values were cemented in 1776. The only way we can make it better is to undo all ways in which we’ve strayed from our essential culture and values.

              And that would make them a target for criminals

              The word “criminal” means someone who breaks the law, for example illegal immigrants. If the government were to decline to protect an individual’s rights, then it would not be a criminal act to forcefully deport said individual, say by means of a catapult.

              “Looking everywhere” is not a form of evidence.

              You sound like a blind fool attempting to refute the notion that anything could possibly be seen. You are surrounded by abundant evidence, but you don’t recognize it as such because you haven’t yet accepted Christ.

              Under your definition of what’s moral, sure that may be true, but I don’t think you hold a reasonable view of what is moral.

              I am no arbiter of morality. I look to God for His guidance. No one who rejects God could possibly know His law. It would be hubris to suppose otherwise.

        • 10A@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          Unpause, part 2 of 2:

          [A list of twenty-two, count 'em twenty two quotes meant to demonstrate that it’s objectively false to claim that “we’re a Christian country at heart, and we always have been, founded on Christian values”]

          Did they teach you to keep a file of such quotes in your atheist training seminars? If your goal was to overwhelm me, congrats, you succeeded. This conversation is already so long and unwieldy that there’s no way I’m going to address each of these. Suffice it to say that you’re wrong about this, and a suitable reply would be book length. And I’m not talking about a small or medium-sized book.

          I will just briefly address the first one to mention that it’s from an international treaty with a Muslim nation to protect American lives. We told them what they wanted to hear, to get them to agree. So goes international treaties. They’re rhetoric devised to achieve political goals, and they mean nothing beyond that. Yes, we assured Muslims that our government is not founded on Christianity, and if you believe that I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

          Each of these quotes you offered either has a similarly simple rebuttal, or is actually correct without implying what you think it implies. Some of them are taken out of important context. I’ll leave it at that.

          I find it dystopian and creepy because it’s the same sort of thing that North Korea does, China does, and Nazi Germany did. Forcing people to swear loyalty to the state is a gross misuse of the power of the government.

          Listen, we agree that North Korea, China, and Nazi Germany are all bad countries, and we wouldn’t want to imitate them. So let’s at least take a moment to appreciate our agreement.

          As for the alleged similarity of our Pledge, it’s only superficially similar in that citizens are naturally loyal to their countries, right or wrong. Yes, the Bellamy Salute looked a whole lot like our enemies’ patriotic gestures, but even though that similarity was superficial, we changed it.

          The elephant in the room is that the US is at heart nothing whatsoever like any other country, including the ethnostates of North Korea, China, and Nazi Germany. We’re so dissimilar from other countries that it’s wrong to compare us in almost any way at all. No other country in the world was founded in an act of revolution formed as an appeal to heaven.

          [Replying to “I have to wonder if you know your neighbors very well. Honest question: do you?”] That depends upon what you mean by “neighbors”, and “know”. Sorry, that’s just a very broad question. Can you elaborate?

          As for what I mean by “neighbor”, I refer you to Luke 10:29-37:

          But he, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbour?
          And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead.
          And by chance there came down a certain priest that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side.
          And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side.
          But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him,
          And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.
          And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee.
          Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?
          And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.

          As for “know”, it’s a broad spectrum ranging from “stranger” to “wife”. I’m asking how well you know them, and it could be anywhere along that spectrum.

    • 10A@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      I hit the 5000 character limit! I thought that had been abolished, since we’ve both been writing some seriously long replies. I’ll split my reply in two.

      Part 1 of 2:

      Probably the Netherlands.

      Here’s what comes to mind when I hear about the Netherlands:

      • I like what little I know of the Dutch language, and I’d like to become fluent someday. It’s a nice language.
      • They’ve suffered a massive influx of Moroccan immigrants since the 1970s, and those immigrants commit crimes at five times the rate of native Dutch. Source, see table 1.7 on page 17. (Sound familiar?)
      • As if that wasn’t bad enough, their liberal drug policies turned the place into a drug infested hell-hole. Indeed quite a few US States have been imitating their idiotic legalization of marijuana, and I’m blessed not to live in any of them, but when I drive through them I see the visible impacts: litter, graffiti, and the stench of marijuana everywhere. And I avoid urban areas, so I can’t even imagine how much worse it must be in the cities. I guess you got your wish on that one.

      That being said, I’m not trying to bash a country you like, and I’m sure you may be happy there even if I wouldn’t be. I was only offering my perspective as a point of contrast.

      and we don’t want to be persecuted for being who we are

      If you don’t mind my asking, who are you (broadly speaking)? Do you just mean that you favor leftist political perspectives?

      There is one charity like that which comes to mind to me. It’s called the Rainbow Railroad, and it’s for LGBTQ+ people who are trying to escape persecution, who want to move to a place where they will be safe.

      Wow, that’s remarkably close to my idea. Thank you! I’d rather help them turn to Christ and straighten out their act, instead of paying to help them to move away, but I’m impressed how similar it is to my idea.

      It’s ultimately a disagreement, a huge one sure, but a disagreement. And it’s not domestic terrorism because that involves violence.

      You could reduce every criminal perspective to a disagreement with well-adjusted society. Someone who hates a country simply doesn’t belong in that country, whether it’s the US or anywhere else.

      Such a person may not have committed any violence yet, but if they hate Americans and the American principles we stand for, then it’s only a matter of time before they do commit violence.

      I honestly find it unfathomable that anyone could associate anything negative with the American flag of all things. I mean, across the world it’s a symbol of freedom, but especially here at home, everywhere you look you see American flags because we all love our country.

      We can have criticisms, sure — like any conservative, I don’t much like Biden, for example — but it’s not a flag of the White House or Congress; it’s the flag of We the People.

      • PizzaMan@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        I’ll split my reply in two.

        No worries, I understand. I had to create a kbin account because lemmy.world was struggling so much to keep track of this mess of a thread.

        Here’s what comes to mind when I hear about the Netherlands:

        I think what is most telling about the statistics you bring up is that even with those problems the Netherlands still has a homicide rate 11 times lower than the U.S. (0.6 vs 6.8)


        A literal “drug infested hell-hole” as you call it is significantly safer of a place to live. If that isn’t a poignant example of what a terrible state the U.S. is in then I don’t know what is.

        If you don’t mind my asking, who are you (broadly speaking)? Do you just mean that you favor leftist political perspectives?

        My girlfriend and I are both leftists, bisexual, and I am an atheist. All three demographics that have been historically persecuted under authoritarian states. I intend to be living safely elsewhere if/when the death penalty starts getting handed out for such non-crimes.

        You could reduce every criminal perspective to a disagreement with well-adjusted society.

        You’ve moved the goal posts to criminal perspective.

        Such a person may not have committed any violence yet, but if they hate Americans and the American principles we stand for, then it’s only a matter of time before they do commit violence.

        You do not have evidence for this.

        I honestly find it unfathomable that anyone could associate anything negative with the American flag of all things.

        Like I said in the other thread, ‘the american flag represents the countries history as well, and there are many dark sections of history to this country. You don’t have to be that far from the center to recognize that.’

        I mean, across the world it’s a symbol of freedom

        Across the world is is also a symbol of imperialism, oil wars, subversion of democracy, etc. We’ve invaded dozens of countries around the world, and that legacy endures. He’ll, we’ve even firebombed our own citizens in their own neighborhoods. That history is what people think about when they see the flag.

        • 10A@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          I had to create a kbin account because lemmy.world was struggling so much to keep track of this mess of a thread.

          Welcome to kbin! I considered creating a lemmy.world account, but thought I’d give it a day or two to see if it finally sync’d.

          Note kbin has a bug: as soon as this conversation spills over to a second page, the notifications to page 2 and beyond will be broken links. You’ll have to search for the text in the notification to find the relevant reply. It’s a known bug.

          This thread is quite a mess here too. I considered creating a new magazine just to break this conversation out into a series of new conversations, but that seems excessive. I’m not sure of the best solution.

          A literal “drug infested hell-hole” as you call it is significantly safer of a place to live. If that isn’t a poignant example of what a terrible state the U.S. is in then I don’t know what is.

          It only seems terrible if you measure according to un-American values. Our American perspective is well captured by the famous Ben Franklin quote:

          Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

          Our culture has always been a bit dangerous because we’re a free people. We carry firearms to defend ourselves, and we use them as needed. Yes, that results in deaths, and we agree that deaths are undesirable, but as an American I hold liberty as being 100x more important than safety.

          My girlfriend and I are both leftists, bisexual, and I am an atheist.

          Earlier in our conversation I thought you were a Christian, because of what you said about idolatry. But I find it completely believable that you’re an atheist, because as we dug into the topic, you exhibited a complete lack of understanding of what idolatry is all about.

          You are not “bisexual” if you’re a man with a girlfriend, unless you cheat on her. You may experience evil temptations to sin, but indeed we all do. The nature of our temptations varies according to our weaknesses, but we’re all tempted. If you turn to Christ, you’ll be able to pray to be shielded from your temptations, and prayer works.

          I intend to be living safely elsewhere if/when the death penalty starts getting handed out for such non-crimes.

          I find this beyond ridiculous. I completely support your moving to a place where you’d fit in better, and you’d be happier, as we’ve already established — but the US is so left of center that there’s no way anything like this could happen here. Death penalty for being leftist, bisexual, and/or atheist? In the US? Are you joking?

          You’ve moved the goal posts to criminal perspective.

          Not really. I was making a point that it’s not a matter of silencing an alternative viewpoint when that viewpoint is essentially pro-criminal.

          You do not have evidence for [the idea that people who hate America and Americans are apt to commit violence].

          True, but that only reflects the fact that I don’t make a habit of compiling evidence to support my points in future discussions. But I don’t see how you could disagree with this. People who love express love towards those who they love; people who hate express hatred towards those who they hate.

          Across the world is is also a symbol of [a list of bad stuff]. That history is what people think about when they see the flag.

          I’m sure that’s true of some people. Like anything, it is what you make of it. But you need to cherry-pick your list of bad things from a vast sea of lovable good things. I’m not trying to pretend that we’re perfect, but why would you want to focus on the tiny number of negative things instead of giving glory to God and focusing on all His copious blessings? Don’t you find it unbearably depressing to maintain such an irrationally negative disposition?

          • PizzaMan@kbin.social
            1 year ago

            It’s a known bug.

            Thank you for the warning!

            It only seems terrible if you measure according to un-American values. Our American perspective is well captured by the famous Ben Franklin quote:

            Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

            The Netherlands ranks 11th in freedom whereas the U.S. ranks 15th on the world freedom index. So I would have the best of both worlds, more freedom, more safety.

            Our culture has always been a bit dangerous because we’re a free people.

            It’s because we are an individualist society. We simply do not care for the well-being of others as well as other nations do.

            Earlier in our conversation I thought you were a Christian, because of what you said about idolatry. But I find it completely believable that you’re an atheist, because as we dug into the topic, you exhibited a complete lack of understanding of what idolatry is all about.

            I used to be a christian, and I will refer you back to the time when the SCOTUS ruled in favor of jehovah’s witnesses that the pledge of allegiance was idolatry:


            It’s not something I just made up.

            You are not “bisexual” if you’re a man with a girlfriend, unless you cheat on her.

            Sexuality labels such as that one refer to one’s sexual attraction, not the status of their current relationship. I am attracted to both men and women, and so by definition I am bisexual.

            You may experience evil temptations to sin, but indeed we all do.

            I watch both heterosexual and homosexual content, and I enjoy both. Not everybody does that. I’ve been with both sexes, not everybody does that.

            If you turn to Christ, you’ll be able to pray to be shielded from your temptations, and prayer works.

            I’m happy just the way I am. And in my experience, prayer never works. Over the years I’ve talked with christians, countless of them have prayed for me to change, to stop being an atheist/leftist/bisexual/etc. None of it has changed a thing.

            the US is so left of center that there’s no way anything like this could happen here. Death penalty for being leftist, bisexual, and/or atheist? In the US? Are you joking?

            The U.S. is a right wing, authoritarian state, not a left one. It’s not an objectively measurable thing, because politics is such a messy thing to study, but on the world stage we are in no way a leftist country.

            Death penalty for being leftist, bisexual, and/or atheist? In the US? Are you joking?

            The U.S. has been embracing authoritarianism for a while now. LGBTQ+ persecution is at an all time high, we almost had an election hijacked, the public is spied on by the government, xenophobia is on the rise, hate crimes are on the rise, there is talk of implementing laws to disenfranchise voters. I could go on with all the authoritarian things that have been happening, but I"ll keep it brief for the sake of time.

            Authoritarianism, and fascism specifically are self feeding. 1920s Germany wasn’t great, and it kept self feeding until the 30s and 40s. I worry the same thing will happen here.

            But you need to cherry-pick your list of bad things from a vast sea of lovable good things.

            Don’t you find it unbearably depressing to maintain such an irrationally negative disposition?

            I don’t think I am cherry picking or being irrational. The sea of good things the U.S. has done is just as vast as the despicable things we’ve done. And I would rather be truthfully depressed than happy and oblivious.

            • 10A@kbin.social
              1 year ago

              The Netherlands ranks 11th in freedom whereas the U.S. ranks 15th on the world freedom index.

              What is this “world freedom index”? You never answered that. Link?

              So I would have the best of both worlds, more freedom, more safety.

              You missed my point. Freedom and safety are mutually exclusive. The only good kind of safety is the switch you flip on your firearm before engaging a threat. Safety is fine when we provide it for ourselves and our families, but if a government provides it for us then we lack freedom.

              It’s because we are an individualist society. We simply do not care for the well-being of others as well as other nations do.

              Yes, we’re individualist, but that’s not what individualism is.

              I used to be a christian

              No, you weren’t. That much is abundantly clear. You have conflated salvation with religious affiliation. You have misunderstood idolatry. You have failed to grasp the dichotomy of good and evil. You have been blind to the spiritual warfare that rules our world. You deny having evidence for God’s glory. You have not yet been born again. You have not yet given your life to Christ. You have not yet been saved. Once saved, always saved.

              and I will refer you back to the time when the SCOTUS ruled in favor of jehovah’s witnesses that the pledge of allegiance was idolatry:


              That link says nothing about idolatry.

              Sexuality labels such as that one refer to one’s sexual attraction, not the status of their current relationship. I am attracted to both men and women, and so by definition I am bisexual.

              If you are attracted to your girlfriend, then marry her and keep her pregnant. If you find yourself attracted to a man, acknowledge that attraction as an evil temptation to sin. Repent for it, and don the armor of God that it may shield you from temptation. Know that we are all tempted to sin, and there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s your response to the temptation that matters.

              I watch both heterosexual and homosexual content, and I enjoy both. Not everybody does that. I’ve been with both sexes, not everybody does that.

              By “content” do you mean pornography? I appreciate that you’re not being explicit here, so thank you. I don’t judge you for your sins, but I do urge you to recognize them as sin, and repent for them. Your eternity is on the line.

              I’m happy just the way I am.

              But is God? We are to live for God, not for ourselves.

              And in my experience, prayer never works.

              Well it probably won’t work very well if you don’t first establish a relationship with Christ. Otherwise it’s like receiving a call from a number that’s not in your contacts — He’s apt to ignore it.

              Over the years I’ve talked with christians, countless of them have prayed for me to change, to stop being an atheist/leftist/bisexual/etc. None of it has changed a thing.

              That would also require you to actually want to change, you know. Your “I’m happy just the way I am” attitude suggests you don’t.

              The U.S. is a right wing, authoritarian state, not a left one. It’s not an objectively measurable thing, because politics is such a messy thing to study, but on the world stage we are in no way a leftist country.

              Agreed that it’s subjective and messy. But the list of ways in which the US is currently far-left is a long list. I’ll give you a few off the top of my head, in no way close to comprehensive:

              • Open borders
              • No prayer in schools
              • Legal marijuana
              • DEI
              • ESG
              • Homosexuality
              • Transvestites
              • Paid abortion vacations
              • Birth control
              • Size of the federal government
              • The mass media
              • SPLC’s influence
              • Woke Hollywood

              I don’t think I am cherry picking or being irrational. The sea of good things the U.S. has done is just as vast as the despicable things we’ve done. And I would rather be truthfully depressed than happy and oblivious.

              Well that says it all. Instead of giving thanks to God for being an American, you deny all that is holy, and contemplate the despicable. You are absolutely cherry-picking, and more than that you have managed to amass a basket of negativity from which to cherry-pick.

              • PizzaMan@kbin.social
                1 year ago

                Unfortunately this another one that will have to be split up. The 5000 character limit is sorta making me miss reddit.

                What is this “world freedom index”? You never answered that. Link?

                Sorry, I didn’t realize you had asked. This is what I was referring to:


                Freedom and safety are mutually exclusive.

                Not really. You can have countries that are free and safe (Netherlands), countries that are free and unsafe (USA), countries that are neither free nor safe (Afghanistan).

                The only good kind of safety is the switch you flip on your firearm before engaging a threat.

                I would say that is an inherently worse kind of safety in comparison to the safety of not having any threats to begin with.

                Yes, we’re individualist, but that’s not what individualism is.

                I wasn’t stating that it was the definition of individualism, I meant that a lack of care for one another is the result. Sorry, I should have chosen my words better there.

                No, you weren’t.

                I believed in Jesus, god, christianity, the whole thing. I was raised christian and believed it all. I went to church, believed I was saved, felt the holy spirit, etc. I just now realize none of it was true.

                That link says nothing about idolatry.

                It doesn’t, but the ruling it mentioned does. Sorry, I should have given you a better link than that.

                If you are attracted to your girlfriend, then marry her and keep her pregnant.

                I’ll definitely be marrying her, but we have mutually agreed not to have kids. We can’t ethically justify bringing a kid into a dying world, and also her physical disabilities would quite literally kill her if she were pregnant. And suicide is generally considered to be a sin.

                • 10A@kbin.social
                  1 year ago

                  The 5000 character limit is sorta making me miss reddit.

                  Yes, this thing is buggy. But it’s brand new. If these problems are still unresolved in a year, that’ll be bad, but it’s open source and I’m under the impression an increasing number of people are contributing to it.

                  Sorry, I didn’t realize you had asked. This is what I was referring to:

                  Thank you. They write in their intro:

                  Human freedom enables and empowers people to do as they please, free from constraints or punishments, so long as it does not impinge upon the freedom of another.

                  That’s a libertine definition of freedom. It advocates for legal cocaine and prostitution. I acknowledge they’re not the only ones to hold that definition, but I do not.

                  Human freedom enables and empowers people to obey God, do His will, worship Him as they see fit, and (as a result) to be blessed with emancipation from sin.

                  (Skipping a bunch here. Sorry, I’m reading what you wrote, and I don’t have much to say in reply that I haven’t already said. I guess that’s for the best, all things considered.)

                  I believed in Jesus, god, christianity, the whole thing. I was raised christian and believed it all. I went to church, believed I was saved, felt the holy spirit, etc. I just now realize none of it was true.

                  What do you suppose you actually felt, when you thought you felt the Holy Spirit? When you say that you believed it all, did you really believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, or did you only say you did? When you decided that none of it was true, do you think you might be enduring a test of faith?

                  It doesn’t, but the ruling it mentioned does. Sorry, I should have given you a better link than that.

                  Thank you, that was informative. Much as I disagree that the Pledge is idolatry, I respect that you’re not the only one to believe it. Of course JWs also believe the Second Coming happened in 1914, so I’ve got a few grains of salt. I completely side with SCOTUS on that ruling, that compelled speech breaks the first amendment. I just wish they had the same decision on school prayer, that nobody can be forced to partake, but the rest of us are going to proceed with it anyhow.

                  I’ll definitely be marrying her, but we have mutually agreed not to have kids. We can’t ethically justify bringing a kid into a dying world, and also her physical disabilities would quite literally kill her if she were pregnant. And suicide is generally considered to be a sin.

                  I’d argue with you on the ethics point, and the claim of a “dying world” (what), but your follow-up point about her disability overrides anything I’d say. I’m happy for you! When’s the wedding?

                  • PizzaMan@kbin.social
                    1 year ago

                    and I’m under the impression an increasing number of people are contributing to it.

                    I am quite hopeful. Look how far linux has come as an OS, I’m confident that lemmy/kbin can do the same.

                    Human freedom enables and empowers people to obey God

                    How do you not see freedom as being incompatible with obeying? Not to be glib, but if somebody told you “freedom enables and empowers people to obey their slave masters” or “work will make you free”, I’m sure you would recognize the contradiction there. How do you not see the contradiction in what you’ve said yourself?

                    (Skipping a bunch here.

                    No worries, I’ve been skipping stuff too. That’s sorta how it has to be or else this already splintered conversation would be ten times worse.

                    What do you suppose you actually felt, when you thought you felt the Holy Spirit? When you say that you believed it all, did you really believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, or did you only say you did? When you decided that none of it was true, do you think you might be enduring a test of faith?

                    It’s been years ago, well over a decade ago so I don’t remember the details too well. But what I can tell you is that I felt what I thought was a connection to something greater than myself, that yes, Jesus was raised. I know there was more but I honestly cannot remember it all.

                    And I didn’t “decide” that none of it was true. Beliefs as far as I am concerned are not choices. You are either convinced or you are not, the only extend to which we have a choice (if we have free will at all), is over the extent to which we expose ourselves to other ideas.

                    Of course JWs also believe the Second Coming happened in 1914, so I’ve got a few grains of salt.

                    Don’t get me wrong, I think JWs are off in the deep end too, but on that particular issue they have merit.

                    I just wish they had the same decision on school prayer, that nobody can be forced to partake, but the rest of us are going to proceed with it anyhow.

                    As nice as that would be on paper, in reality you can’t really have one without the other due to societal pressures. If everybody in the room is praying except for you, there is immense social pressure to conform. Allowing prayer of any kind in school will result in what is effectively forced prayer/speech.

                    and the claim of a “dying world” (what)

                    Climate change is killing off countless species/animals.


                    For instance, bug population is on a huge decline, and they are pretty low in the food chain and therefore very important to the health of the planet. The further trends like this increase, the greater the chance of a food chain collapse. I couldn’t ethically justify putting a kid at risk of enduring that even if my girlfriend didn’t have her current health issues.

                    I’m happy for you! When’s the wedding?

                    Thank you! We aren’t official engaged yet, as we have agreed we would only get to that point when we both feel we are financially stable. But so far we have agreed that we will be getting married in her home country, Costa Rica, and the church will not be involved (sorry!).

              • PizzaMan@kbin.social
                1 year ago

                If you find yourself attracted to a man, acknowledge that attraction as an evil temptation to sin.

                Why should I think that?

                By “content” do you mean pornography? I appreciate that you’re not being explicit here, so thank you. I don’t judge you for your sins, but I do urge you to recognize them as sin, and repent for them. Your eternity is on the line.

                Yes, that was what I meant. And I have no reason to think of them as sins. And I have no reason to believe eternity is on the line, or that it would be based on sexual attraction. If a god exists, I would think the least of it’s worries would be humans, let alone who humans choose to mate with.

                But is God? We are to live for God, not for ourselves.

                I don’t believe in god, so why would I consider the feelings of something I do not believe exists? If somebody told you that you angered Odin by being a christian, I suspect you wouldn’t be bothered very much.

                Agreed that it’s subjective and messy. But the list of ways in which the US is currently far-left is a long list. I’ll give you a few off the top of my head, in no way close to comprehensive:

                I’ll address each of the things you listed, but I want to go on something a little more objective than us tossing things back and forth about how the country is left/right. The closest to useful/objective info I came across was this:


                It’s a little bit arbitrary, incomplete, and needs updated now that Roe v Wade is dead. But it’s the closest I could find within the time I can afford. At least according to this list/methodology, the United States is not anywhere near being far-left. And I say it is incomplete, because it doesn’t take into account corporate power, or military/policy power/budget. If those two were taking into account I think the U.S. would easily be on the higher end of the list. Because if you were to compare the U.S. to many European countries, they go far more to the left on such issues. Look at the GDPR regulations they have, we simply have nothing like it here in the U.S.

                Now for your list of “far left” things.

                The U.S. does not have open borders, it is illegal to cross without permission. Prohibiting the government from forcing prayer on children is not a far left thing, most other developed nations are the same. Marijuana status is more of an authoritarian/libertarian issue than a left/right one, and it certainly isn’t far left to the degree it is a left/right issue. DEI has only recently become controversial, and was started by corporations. ESGs are left, but they aren’t far left, they’re just a type of investment. Few people in the U.S. are neo-marxists. As for the LGBTQ+, our rates aren’t very different from other developed/free nations. (And in case you were not aware, “Transvestite” is considered to be a slur by many people due to it’s malicious use. People generally use inter-sex nowadays.) As for paid abortion vacations, I assume you’re talking about what corporations are offering to pregnant employees. Abortion is generally supported by the left, and some parts of the right, so it is hardly a far left thing. The same goes for abortion. As for “Post-Temperance Feminism”, I’m honestly not sure what you mean by that. As for government size, I think we already covered that in one of the other threads. There are just as much right wing media as there is left wing in america. The SPLC is a hate group watch, so I don’t see why you would have a problem with them. And as for hollywood, they are definitely left, but they ain’t far left. The only air centrist to center left opinions at most, if at all.

                You are absolutely cherry-picking, and more than that you have managed to amass a basket of negativity from which to cherry-pick.

                It seems to me that you have done the same. You gave me an entire list of “far left” things in the U.S. that you are critical of.

                • 10A@kbin.social
                  1 year ago

                  Reply to “Why should I think that?” part 2 of 2:

                  The U.S. does not have open borders, it is illegal to cross without permission.

                  This is wildly out of touch with reality. The Biden Administration is coordinating tens of thousands of illegals flooding in per week, and giving them “free” (taxpayer-funded) plane tickets to any US city they choose. The Southern border is essentially wide open. All you have to do is check any conservative news source from any time in the last two years to know this.

                  Prohibiting the government from forcing prayer on children is not a far left thing, most other developed nations are the same.

                  Anything anti-Christian and pro-Satan is far-left. The fact that other nations do it too is no excuse. Traditional American culture is Christian.

                  ESGs are left, but they aren’t far left, they’re just a type of investment.

                  Are you joking? They are extremely far-left. I mean they’d have to be openly communist to be any further left.

                  Few people in the U.S. are neo-marxists.

                  Few might self-identify as such, but the philosophy is readily apparent everywhere you look. Anyone who thinks people can legitimately derive their identity from their group membership is neo-Marxist.

                  As for the LGBTQ+, our rates aren’t very different from other developed/free nations.

                  Stop trying to compare the US to any other country, because it’s illegitimate. The US is the greatest country possible, and there’s no comparison to be made. Yes, we have sodomites trying to take us down, but the fact that other countries do too doesn’t make it acceptable.

                  (And in case you were not aware, “Transvestite” is considered to be a slur by many people due to it’s malicious use.

                  Far be it for me to potentially break any terms of service. I only meant to refer to people who reject their God-given sex, and play dress-up, whether or not assisted by hormone pills and genital mutilation. Thank you for letting me know.

                  Abortion is generally supported by the left, and some parts of the right, so it is hardly a far left thing.

                  It’s about as far left as possible. It’s anti-Christian, anti-family, and pro-murder — of innocent babies no less. It’s like the essence of far-lefthood bundled up into a single word.

                  As for “Post-Temperance Feminism”, I’m honestly not sure what you mean by that.

                  The Temperance movement was a coalition between Christians, conservatives, and feminists back in the day. Women didn’t want their husbands coming home drunk anymore. Around the same time Prohibition succeeded, they also succeeded in gaining the women’s “right” to vote, which is one of the primary origins of all of this far-left madness and social devastation we’ve witnessed since their success in that endeavor. Following that, they moved on in subsequent “waves” which became increasingly hostile to traditional family values. When I wrote “Post-Temperance Feminism”, I was referring to that entire history after their coalition with Christians and conservatives fell apart.

                  The SPLC is a hate group watch, so I don’t see why you would have a problem with them.

                  Please tell me you’re joking. They’re widely derided for grouping normal conservative groups with Christian values alongside neo-Nazis and actual “hate groups”. Nobody takes the SPLC seriously. And that’s ancient news at this point.

                  And as for hollywood, they are definitely left, but they ain’t far left.

                  Almost every single movie they produced in the last fifteen years, or so, has featured anti-Christian sentiment, a complete lack of understanding of Christian theology, anti-American sentiment, anti-family sentiment, especially anti-traditional-family sentiment, pro-sodomy sentiment, premarital sex, illicit drugs, strong women and weak men, transvestites, global warming alarmism, anti-corporate sentiment, and the list goes on and on. It’s quite hard to find any movie that’s not woke through and through, unless it was made in the '90s or earlier. There are a couple exceptions, but they’re rare.

                  It seems to me that you have done the same. You gave me an entire list of “far left” things in the U.S. that you are critical of.

                  Fair, but that’s within the overall context of my message that America is essentially great, and always will be. Of course I have my minor gripes, and plenty of them. But at the end of the day, I pray for our country because there’s no better place on earth.

                • 10A@kbin.social
                  1 year ago

                  Reply to “Why should I think that?” part 1 of 2:

                  Why should I think that? [“If you find yourself attracted to a man, acknowledge that attraction as an evil temptation to sin.”]

                  Because it’s true. If you find a quarter in your pocket, you should acknowledge that quarter as monetary unit equivalent to one fourth of a dollar. Why? Because that’s what it is.

                  Yes, that was what I meant [pornography]. And I have no reason to think of them as sins.

                  1 Corinthians 6:18

                  Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.

                  Note “fornication” there is translated from “πορνεία”, which is a generic term for sexual sin of any kind, and is better translated as “sexual immorality”.

                  Now you have a reason. And there are more where that one came from!

                  And I have no reason to believe eternity is on the line, or that it would be based on sexual attraction. If a god exists, I would think the least of it’s worries would be humans, let alone who humans choose to mate with.

                  This reflects your decision not to become a father yourself. But you can imagine for a moment what it feels like to have a child. You very much do care who that child associates with, even as a friend, but certainly as a mate. There’s a good reason why when you want to marry a girl, you ought to first ask her father for permission. God created us in His own image for a particular reason. If you’ve ever created anything at all, you know that you care about whatever it was you made.

                  I don’t believe in god, so why would I consider the feelings of something I do not believe exists?

                  Because He still believes in you.

                  I’ll address each of the things you listed, but I want to go on something a little more objective than us tossing things back and forth about how the country is left/right. The closest to useful/objective info I came across was this:


                  Thank you. I think the “far-” prefix is contentious on both sides of the aisle. Are you familiar with allsides.com? They rate news sources as one of: { far-left, left, center, right, far-right }. I sometimes disagree with their exact assessments, but I recognize that it’s difficult to rate the bias of news sources. Especially because when I consider where I’d personally categorize them, I realize that there’re not close to enough options. It’s radically oversimplified.

                  When I say “left” (or “center-left”), I approximately mean pro-trade-union, Robin Hood taxation, pro-birth-control, and sexual intercourse out of wedlock. You get the idea. Anything to the left of that I consider far-left. These days, the Left is off-the-chart far-far-far-left in my opinion.

                  Also it’s impossible to compare the US to other countries for a wide variety of reasons, one of them particular to this case being that classical liberal principles played a major role in our founding, which are now considered conservative principles by most measures. That’s how we wind up with (for example) liberal gun law being widely supported by the Right.

                  Because if you were to compare the U.S. to many European countries, they go far more to the left on such issues.

                  True, but that means nothing. They’re dragging us leftward, due to so many leftists who hate America and think we should abandon our traditional values and instead imitate other countries.