Depends on the history. You never fire somebody on the first offense in a case of using inappropriate language on the job, because you have to account for their personal background - maybe where they grew up that language is totally normal and they really don’t get that it’s a problem. They have to be given a chance to change their behavior once they’re aware that it’s not okay. If they do it again, it’s a valid violation of workplace standards and totally justifiable to fire them.
It is ridiculous, but it’s also the rules HR organizations go by. What I described was the actual policy when I worked at Microsoft, as told to me by a friend in HR who said she’d had extensive training in handling sexual harassment. I don’t know if it would literally be applied if somebody said “gas the nigs” but AFAIK it’s the protocol you have to follow in a business to protect yourself from lawyers. Therefore if I were a business owner that’s what I would do, because keeping my livelihood and keeping my other employees employed would mean more to me than feeling like an angel of justice or getting upvotes on lemmy.
Depends on the history. You never fire somebody on the first offense in a case of using inappropriate language on the job, because you have to account for their personal background - maybe where they grew up that language is totally normal and they really don’t get that it’s a problem. They have to be given a chance to change their behavior once they’re aware that it’s not okay. If they do it again, it’s a valid violation of workplace standards and totally justifiable to fire them.
Brb getting a job as a greeter to see how lo g it takes to get fired for saying “gas the nigs”
That’s ridiculous.
It is ridiculous, but it’s also the rules HR organizations go by. What I described was the actual policy when I worked at Microsoft, as told to me by a friend in HR who said she’d had extensive training in handling sexual harassment. I don’t know if it would literally be applied if somebody said “gas the nigs” but AFAIK it’s the protocol you have to follow in a business to protect yourself from lawyers. Therefore if I were a business owner that’s what I would do, because keeping my livelihood and keeping my other employees employed would mean more to me than feeling like an angel of justice or getting upvotes on lemmy.