Weather forecast today (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 20; max - 32; shower or two (25% chance of at least 3mm)

    3 months ago

    Interview went well!!!

    Invited to meet the ceo in person next week :)

    If i get this, I’m done climbing the ladder. This is the role that will keep me with a safety net.

    Something else happened this week which was cool. I reconnected with one of my best friends that I lost when I went off the rails. I found him on Facebook and apologised for my behaviour and he actually messaged me back saying “… I know that wasn’t the real you”.

    It’s been 12 years since we spoke. Tomorrow he’s going to call me so we can catch up.

    I’ve been struggling with feeling isolated the last few months. Wondering if it’s going to be like this for the rest of my life.

    I’m so fucking glad he responded. We were inseperable. He taught me to play drums and I taught him guitar.