Day 15: Warehouse Woes

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    3 months ago


    Part 2 was a bit tricky. Moving into a box horizontally works mostly the same as for part 1, for the vertical case I used two recursive functions. The first recurses from the left and right side for each box just to find out if the entire tree can be moved. The second function actually does the moving in a similar recursive structure, but now with the knowledge that all subtrees can actually be moved.

    Lots of moving parts, but at least it could very nicely be debugged by printing out the map from the two minimal examples after each round.

    use euclid::{default::*, vec2};
    // Common type for both parts. In part 1 all boxes are BoxL.
    #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
    enum Spot {
    impl From<u8> for Spot {
        fn from(value: u8) -> Self {
            match value {
                b'.' | b'@' => Spot::Empty,
                b'O' => Spot::BoxL,
                b'#' => Spot::Wall,
                other => panic!("Invalid spot: {other}"),
    fn parse(input: &str) -> (Vec<Vec<Spot>>, Point2D<i32>, Vec<Vector2D<i32>>) {
        let (field_s, moves_s) = input.split_once("\n\n").unwrap();
        let mut field = Vec::new();
        let mut robot = None;
        for (y, l) in field_s.lines().enumerate() {
            let mut row = Vec::new();
            for (x, b) in l.bytes().enumerate() {
                if b == b'@' {
                    robot = Some(Point2D::new(x, y).to_i32())
        let moves = moves_s
            .filter(|b| *b != b'\n')
            .map(|b| match b {
                b'^' => vec2(0, -1),
                b'>' => vec2(1, 0),
                b'v' => vec2(0, 1),
                b'<' => vec2(-1, 0),
                other => panic!("Invalid move: {other}"),
        (field, robot.unwrap(), moves)
    fn gps(field: &[Vec<Spot>]) -> u32 {
        let mut sum = 0;
        for (y, row) in field.iter().enumerate() {
            for (x, s) in row.iter().enumerate() {
                if let Spot::BoxL = s {
                    sum += x + 100 * y;
        sum as u32
    fn part1(input: String) {
        let (mut field, mut robot, moves) = parse(&input);
        for m in moves {
            let next = robot + m;
            match field[next.y as usize][next.x as usize] {
                Spot::Empty => robot = next, // Move into space
                Spot::BoxL => {
                    let mut search = next + m;
                    let can_move = loop {
                        match field[search.y as usize][search.x as usize] {
                            Spot::BoxL => {}
                            Spot::Wall => break false,
                            Spot::Empty => break true,
                            Spot::BoxR => unreachable!(),
                        search += m;
                    if can_move {
                        robot = next;
                        field[next.y as usize][next.x as usize] = Spot::Empty;
                        field[search.y as usize][search.x as usize] = Spot::BoxL;
                Spot::Wall => {} // Cannot move
                Spot::BoxR => unreachable!(),
        println!("{}", gps(&field));
    // Transform part 1 field to wider part 2 field
    fn widen(field: &[Vec<Spot>]) -> Vec<Vec<Spot>> {
            .map(|row| {
                    .flat_map(|s| match s {
                        Spot::Empty => [Spot::Empty; 2],
                        Spot::Wall => [Spot::Wall; 2],
                        Spot::BoxL => [Spot::BoxL, Spot::BoxR],
                        Spot::BoxR => unreachable!(),
    // Recursively find out whether or not the robot can move in direction `dir` from `start`.
    fn can_move_rec(field: &[Vec<Spot>], start: Point2D<i32>, dir: Vector2D<i32>) -> bool {
        let next = start + dir;
        match field[next.y as usize][next.x as usize] {
            Spot::Empty => true,
            Spot::BoxL => can_move_rec(field, next, dir) && can_move_rec(field, next + vec2(1, 0), dir),
            Spot::BoxR => can_move_rec(field, next - vec2(1, 0), dir) && can_move_rec(field, next, dir),
            Spot::Wall => false,
    // Recursively execute a move for vertical directions into boxes.
    fn do_move(field: &mut [Vec<Spot>], start: Point2D<i32>, dir: Vector2D<i32>) {
        let next = start + dir;
        match field[next.y as usize][next.x as usize] {
            Spot::Empty | Spot::Wall => {}
            Spot::BoxL => {
                do_move(field, next, dir);
                do_move(field, next + vec2(1, 0), dir);
                let move_to = next + dir;
                field[next.y as usize][next.x as usize] = Spot::Empty;
                field[next.y as usize][next.x as usize + 1] = Spot::Empty;
                field[move_to.y as usize][move_to.x as usize] = Spot::BoxL;
                field[move_to.y as usize][move_to.x as usize + 1] = Spot::BoxR;
            Spot::BoxR => {
                do_move(field, next - vec2(1, 0), dir);
                do_move(field, next, dir);
                let move_to = next + dir;
                field[next.y as usize][next.x as usize - 1] = Spot::Empty;
                field[next.y as usize][next.x as usize] = Spot::Empty;
                field[move_to.y as usize][move_to.x as usize - 1] = Spot::BoxL;
                field[move_to.y as usize][move_to.x as usize] = Spot::BoxR;
    fn part2(input: String) {
        let (field1, robot1, moves) = parse(&input);
        let mut field = widen(&field1);
        let mut robot = Point2D::new(robot1.x * 2, robot1.y);
        for m in moves {
            let next = robot + m;
            match field[next.y as usize][next.x as usize] {
                Spot::Empty => robot = next, // Move into space
                Spot::BoxL | Spot::BoxR if m.y == 0 => {
                    let mut search = next + m;
                    let can_move = loop {
                        match field[search.y as usize][search.x as usize] {
                            Spot::BoxL | Spot::BoxR => {}
                            Spot::Wall => break false,
                            Spot::Empty => break true,
                        search += m;
                    if can_move {
                        robot = next;
                        // Shift boxes by array remove/insert
                        field[next.y as usize].remove(search.x as usize);
                        field[next.y as usize].insert(next.x as usize, Spot::Empty);
                Spot::BoxL | Spot::BoxR => {
                    if can_move_rec(&field, robot, m) {
                        do_move(&mut field, robot, m);
                        robot = next;
                Spot::Wall => {} // Cannot move
        println!("{}", gps(&field));

    Also on github