Day 15: Warehouse Woes

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  • Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
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    3 months ago


    The work is all in the “push” method. The robot pushes one square, which may chain to additional squares. HashSet probably isn’t the optimal data structure, but it’s good enough.

    Large codeblock
    /// Advent of Code 2024, Day 15
    /// Copyright 2024 by Alex Utter
    use aocfetch;
    use std::collections::HashSet;
    type Rc = (usize, usize);
    type Delta = (isize, isize);
    type Moves = Vec<Delta>;
    fn add(rc:&Rc, mv:&Delta) -> Rc {
    struct Warehouse {
        part2: bool,
        robot: Rc,
        boxes: HashSet<Rc>,
        walls: HashSet<Rc>,
    impl Warehouse {
        fn new(input: &str, part2: bool) -> (Warehouse, Moves) {
            let mut init = Warehouse {
                part2: part2,
                robot: (0,0),
                boxes: HashSet::new(),
                walls: HashSet::new(),
            let mut moves = Vec::new();
            for (r,line) in input.trim().lines().enumerate() {
                for (c,ch) in line.trim().chars().enumerate() {
                    let c2 = if part2 {2*c} else {c};
                    match ch {
                        '@' => {init.robot = (r,c2);},
                        'O' => {init.boxes.insert((r,c2));},
                        '#' => {init.walls.insert((r,c2));
                                if part2 {init.walls.insert((r,c2+1));}},
                        '^' => {moves.push((-1, 0));},
                        '>' => {moves.push(( 0, 1));},
                        'v' => {moves.push(( 1, 0));},
                        '<' => {moves.push(( 0,-1));},
                        _   => {},
            return (init, moves);
        fn gps(&self) -> usize {
            self.boxes.iter().map(|(r,c)| 100*r + c).sum()
        fn get_box(&self, rc: &Rc) -> Option<Rc> {
            let ll = add(rc, &(0,-1));
            let rr = rc.clone();
            if self.part2 && self.boxes.contains(&ll) {
                return Some(ll);
            } else if self.boxes.contains(&rr) {
                return Some(rr);
            } else {
                return None;
        fn push(&mut self, mv: &Delta) -> bool {
            // Identify all boxes affected by this push.
            let mut boxes = HashSet::new();     // List of affected boxes
            let mut queue = Vec::new();         // Squares being pushed
            queue.push(add(&self.robot, mv));
            while let Some(rc) = queue.pop() {
                if let Some(bx) = self.get_box(&rc) {
                    // Push all square(s) affected by this box.
                    let left  = add(&bx, mv);
                    let right = add(&left, &(0,1));
                    if left != rc {queue.push(left);}
                    if self.part2 && right != rc {queue.push(right);}
                } else if self.walls.contains(&rc) {
                    // If we hit a wall, the move cannot be applied.
                    return false;
            // Move successful, update the warehouse state.
            self.robot = add(&self.robot, mv);
            for bx in boxes.iter() {self.boxes.remove(bx);}
            for bx in boxes.iter() {self.boxes.insert(add(bx, mv));}
            return true;
    fn part1(input: &str) -> usize {
        let (mut state, moves) = Warehouse::new(input, false);
        for mv in moves.iter() {state.push(mv);}
        return state.gps();
    fn part2(input: &str) -> usize {
        let (mut state, moves) = Warehouse::new(input, true);
        for mv in moves.iter() {state.push(mv);}
        return state.gps();
    const EXAMPLE1: &'static str = "\
    const EXAMPLE2: &'static str = "\
    fn main() {
        // Fetch input from server.
        let input = aocfetch::get_data(2024, 15).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(part1(EXAMPLE1), 2028);
        assert_eq!(part1(EXAMPLE2), 10092);
        assert_eq!(part2(EXAMPLE2), 9021);
        println!("Part 1: {}", part1(&input));
        println!("Part 2: {}", part2(&input));