Our mass cowardice, mine included, is our shame and culpability.
Like the German citizens who weren’t Nazis but stayed quiet and didn’t protest, only on a global scale. We should all be Greta, getting arrested doing the right thing, but again cowardice in the face of inhumanity is our sin.
May our descendants never forgive us.
If there are any.
Don’t blame me, I recycled! /s
Our mass cowardice, mine included, is our shame and culpability.
Like the German citizens who weren’t Nazis but stayed quiet and didn’t protest, only on a global scale. We should all be Greta, getting arrested doing the right thing, but again cowardice in the face of inhumanity is our sin.
Check out what they did with my recycling: https://www.euronews.com/green/2024/09/03/swedens-largest-environmental-crime-11-people-on-trial-accused-of-illegally-dumping-waste