I thought about it for 15 mins, but couldn’t think of any mathematical tricks. I thought of lots of minor tricks, like comparing the number to the result and not adding any more multiplications if it’s over, things that would cut 10%-20% here and there, but nothing which fundamentally changes big O running time.

For reference, here’s my solution for part 2 in smalltalk. I just generated every possible permutation and tested it. Part 1 is similar, mainly I just used bit magic to avoid generating permutations.

(even if you haven’t used it, smalltalk is fairly readable, everything is left to right, except in parens)

day7p2: in
	| input | 
	input := in lines collect: [ :l | (l splitOn: '\:|\s' asRegex) reject: #isEmpty thenCollect: #asInteger ].
	^ (input select: [ :line |
		(#(1 2 3) permutationsWithRepetitionsOfSize: line size - 2) 
			anySatisfy: [ :num | (self d7addmulcat: line ops: num) = (line at: 1)]
	]) sum: #first.
d7addmulcat: nums ops: ops
	| final |
	final := nums at: 2.
	ops withIndexDo: [ :op :i |
		op = 1 ifTrue: [ final := final * (nums at: i + 2) ].
		op = 2 ifTrue: [ final := final + (nums at: i + 2) ].
		op = 3 ifTrue: [ final := (final asString, (nums at: i+2) asString) asInteger ]

	^ final
  • lwhjp@lemmy.sdf.org
    3 months ago

    Probably the easiest optimization (which admittedly I didn’t think of myself) is to work backwards: you can eliminate multiplication and concatenation early if you start with the answer and check terms from the right.

    • morrowind@lemmy.mlOP
      3 months ago

      I don’t entirely see how, you still need every possible combination of the left side to see what they would become. Plus addition and multiplication are order independent anyway

      • lwhjp@lemmy.sdf.org
        3 months ago

        The point is to prune away search space as early as possible. If the rightmost operand is 5, say, and the answer ends in a 7, then the rightmost operator cannot be anything other than plus. This is a deduction you can’t make going left to right. Remember that in this problem the usual order of operations does not apply.

        • Katzenmann@feddit.org
          3 months ago

          I actually did this. It did not end up being any faster than the brute-force solution since it seems to only catch the easy cases

          • lwhjp@lemmy.sdf.org
            3 months ago

            Perhaps your implementation continues the search longer than necessary? I got curious and tried it myself. Runtime went from 0.599s (brute force) to 0.017s.

    • Acters@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      Call it optimization and people will assume it is magic. Instead I call this a simple algebra challenge.(With part two having that quirky concatenation operation)

      It is like solving for x. Let’s take an example:

      3267: 81 40 27

      If you change it to equations:

      81 (+ or *) 40 (+ or *) 27 = 3267
      Which effectively is:
      81 (+ or *) 40 = x (+ or *) 27 = 3267

      So what is the x that either add or multiply would need to create 3267? Or solve for x for only two equations.
      x + 27 = 3267 -> x = 3267 - 27 = 3240
      x * 27 = 3267 -> x = 3267 / 27 = 121

      (Special note since multiplying and adding will never make a float then a division that will have a remainder(or float) is impossible for x, we can easily remove multiplying as a possible choice)

      Now with our example we go plug in x:
      81 (+ or *) 40 = (3240 or 121) (+ or *) 27 = 3267

      So now we see if either 40 or 81 can divide or subtract from x to get the other number. Since it is easier to just program to use the next number in the list, we will use 40.

      81 + 40 = 3240 -> x = 3240 - 40 = 3200 != 81
      81 * 40 = 3240 -> x = 3240 / 40 = 81
      81 + 40 = 121 -> x = 121 - 40 = 81
      81 * 40 = 121 -> x = 121 / 40 = 3.025 != 81

      This particular example from the website has two solutions.

      For the concatenation operation, you simply check if the number ends with the number in the list. If not then a concatenation cannot occur, and if true remove the number from the end and continue in the list.

      Call it pruning tree paths but it is simply algebraic.