I guess as a start, the DNC can and should run big money/dark money/bribe free primaries. But they refuse to run free and fair primaries because they only want their corporately anointed shills to make it to the general election. Changing how the primaries are done should be top of the list when we take over the DNC and replace the shills with progressives.
Thanks for the info!
I guess as a start, the DNC can and should run big money/dark money/bribe free primaries. But they refuse to run free and fair primaries because they only want their corporately anointed shills to make it to the general election. Changing how the primaries are done should be top of the list when we take over the DNC and replace the shills with progressives.
Which Primary in particular do you think was unfair?
The first Obama primary was the last real one
So you think the DNC fabricated 30 Million votes in 2016?