Although the Republican leadership’s proposed rules were largely a copy-paste of the rules for the 118th Congress, there are some changes. One major difference has to do with the procedure for removing the Speaker, which played a key role in the 118th Congress. Previously, any single member of Congress could bring up a resolution to remove the Speaker. Now, nine Republicans have to co-sponsor such a resolution for it to be considered. This strengthens the hand of the Speaker significantly and also undermines the ability of a majority of the House of Representatives to change who is serving as Speaker.

    2 months ago

    There is no such thing as an abortion survivor. Abortions after viability are done because the baby is dead/dying or the mom is at risk. Wherein an abortion is done for the life of the mother and the baby is otherwise viable the mom is already induced early rather than simply killing the baby.

    This leaves solely and only the case where the abortion is done to preserve the mom’s life and the baby is too early for viability. A medication abortion is when the baby is a lump of cells which can’t develop outside the body. A surgical abortion for a pre-viable fetus eg too late to be a lump of cells but too early to live…invariably terminates it.

    There is no situation where this is a thing.