This video shows the colony in action: as well as combat.

I’m using Royalty and Biotech DLC.

I ended with 37 colonists, all genetically engineered, highly bionically modified and geared in cataphract with charge rifles.

Love the game. I ended up using Boomalopes as my primary energy source, supplemented with Geothermal and Mechanoid artifacts.

I have my colonists all specialized in one skill that’s prefixed in their name. Statues are my big money-maker, but it still takes a huge crafting, mining and discovery effort to maintain excellent Cataphract armor.

I’m proud of my base, but I tried to avoid reading much about the game or seeing others bases, so I don’t really know how strategically effective it is!

    3 months ago

    There’s a bug which AFAIK was never fixed which makes the cell a door is in count as “outside” for heat calculations. Since it’s a door it still limits heat flow to surrounding cells, creating a hacky way of removing waste heat from rooms.