Perhaps the most interesting part of the article:

    2 months ago

    Insurances need to cover their expected cost with the rates, otherwise they won’t be able to cover in case of an incident. Nobody will run an insurance expecting a loss, and you can’t force anyone to.

    The alternative is like when we had flood that the state bails out the boomers who bought houses when they were cheap in areas where insurance won’t insure because of risk, paid with taxes by people like me who have a hard time acquiring property because taxes and other cost are so high due to decisions their generation and earlier ones made.

    Of course, this is somewhat exaggerated; they also pay taxes. But it’s also not completely wrong.

    In the particular case of a previous colleague’s house getting flooded, I always had to think of the fact that she chose to fly a certain route for work to save about 2 hours because it’s just so much more convenient than the train.

    I mean it would have happened with it without her flying, but still thought about it.

      2 months ago

      They could cover a lot more if they didn’t need to make billions in profit. But your general concern is valid. What stops people from building in extremely high risk places. The answer should be federal building standards. If a house is built in a high risk area, it must have mitigating features that protect it from the high risk, or it can’t be built. Local building codes already do this sort of thing. So this is just an extension of something already done. Most people don’t know which areas are high risk for what. So don’t penalize them for getting duped. And in many cases the house wasn’t in a high risk area when built. So there needs to be funding to upgrade those houses to reduce the risk. That should come from the industries that profitted on ignoring the effects of thier industry in exchange for great profits.