Not me. I’m omnipotent. I can pay attention to ignoring everything at once.
Channeling Alan Watts with this one.
At the same time that human consciousness is a form of awareness and sensitivity and understanding, it’s also a form of ignorance. Our ordinary, everyday consciousness leaves out more than it takes in—things that are terribly important. For example, it leaves out things that would if we did know them—allay our anxieties and fears and horrors. If we could extend our awareness to those things that we leave out, we would experience a deep inner peace, because we would all know the one thing we aren’t supposed to know.
Or if you like lo-fi
That’s an excellent one :)
screams in monotropism
Ever tried to play a difficult video game while also baking a batch of cookies and discussing Christmas plans with your parents?
You see how it works.
I could not do that
for example did you get this video question correct on first try?
When you think you’re paying attention to more than one thing at a time you’re actually not paying attention to anything.