(The Center Square) – The list of where possessing a firearm is illegal, even with a concealed pistol license, could soon expand as lawmakers considered a bill Tuesday to ban
What “standard” do you think is being loosened for licensure?
Again, Oregon is not a constitutional carry state. They are a shall issue state, and have been since 1989.
For your argument to make sense (and be relevant to this discussion), Oregonians would have to be significantly more likely to commit violent crime than the people of the the 29 “constitutional carry” states that don’t even require licensure.
But they aren’t.
Nor are the citizens of the 8 “may issue” states particularly dangerous either.
The reality is that the “undesirables will get guns” argument has a long and unsavory history, but no basis in fact.
What “standard” do you think is being loosened for licensure?
Again, Oregon is not a constitutional carry state. They are a shall issue state, and have been since 1989.
For your argument to make sense (and be relevant to this discussion), Oregonians would have to be significantly more likely to commit violent crime than the people of the the 29 “constitutional carry” states that don’t even require licensure.
But they aren’t.
Nor are the citizens of the 8 “may issue” states particularly dangerous either.
The reality is that the “undesirables will get guns” argument has a long and unsavory history, but no basis in fact.
reread my first sentence and then ask why you replied
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