Unless there’s a serial number on the box that matches one printed on the product.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with doing this to Amazon or Walmart, especially when something breaks just outside of the return period and the warranty would be a pain to deal with.
Yah I wouldn’t be as quick to try this return method if they could see a mismatch between box and controller serial numbers.
And yep, Walmart. I don’t shoplift and I don’t consider return fraud to be theft, but I do genuinely believe it is morally just to shoplift from Walmart. Probably not wise with how loaded up they certainly are with surveillance, but I am all in favor of anyone stealing from that fucking company.
It’s not a loophole if it’s illegal. My guess is this counts as fraud.
Impossible to prove. Functionally unenforceable. But, sure, perhaps not technically a loophole.
Unless there’s a serial number on the box that matches one printed on the product.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with doing this to Amazon or Walmart, especially when something breaks just outside of the return period and the warranty would be a pain to deal with.
Yah I wouldn’t be as quick to try this return method if they could see a mismatch between box and controller serial numbers.
And yep, Walmart. I don’t shoplift and I don’t consider return fraud to be theft, but I do genuinely believe it is morally just to shoplift from Walmart. Probably not wise with how loaded up they certainly are with surveillance, but I am all in favor of anyone stealing from that fucking company.