There is a minimum required amount of bronzer you’re required to apply to be accepted into the MAGA leadership. See also the transformation Ron DeSantis pulled.
Welcome to MAGA, here’s your starter kit which includes a 1-month supply of bonzer, coupons valid to purchase food a McDonald’s and a scalpel to remove any empathy you may still have in you.
Is he turning orange now too?
Colloidal silver… It does things to you.
More of a creepy magenta.
There is a minimum required amount of bronzer you’re required to apply to be accepted into the MAGA leadership. See also the transformation Ron DeSantis pulled.
Deep (tan) state
Maybe bronzer is the baptismal water that high-level cult members must be submerged in, before they can be confirmed?
Welcome to MAGA, here’s your starter kit which includes a 1-month supply of bonzer, coupons valid to purchase food a McDonald’s and a scalpel to remove any empathy you may still have in you.